Sunday, April 24, 2022

Sunday Stealing: 15 Things

 I'm here at my mother's place in Myponga, sitting at the kitchen table, using her broadband (okay, I'm hot-spotting off my phone, which is attached to her broadband because I'm buggered if my mother knows her WIFI password.) Anyway, I'm getting the Sunday Questsions done now. 

Questions, provided, as always, but Bev at Sunday Stealing

15 things that make you smile

  1. Cats
  2. Dogs
  3. A well turned sentence
  4. Great films
  5. Good times with friends
  6. Stars (Mum lives in a rural area - I forgot how much I love seeing stars at night - LOTS of stars)
  7. Rain (I'm a country girl at heart)
  8. Sunny days that aren't too hot
  9. When the Crows win a game
  10. Seeing Scott Morrison or any one of the LNP stuff up royally, 
  11. Finding that perfect avocado in the supermarket
  12. Music
  13. Sunsets
  14. Sunrises
  15. The beach

14 things that make you frown

  1. The current Australian Federal Government
  2. Racists
  3. Sexists
  4. People who are rude to service staff
  5. Nasty smells
  6. Unseen bananas in food items
  7. Crowded public transport
  8. People who don't take responsibility or care for their pets
  9. Huntsman spiders (Okay, they make me go find a flame thrower and a can of petrol)
  10. When the parking fairy fails you and you can't find a park and you're in a rush. 
  11. When the printer jams
  12. The never-decreasing car registration bill. 
  13. Greedy people
  14. The Australian Federal Government's view on anything smart.
13 things you see every day 
  1. My cat, Lucifer. 
  2. My face in the mirror
  3. The screen on my phone
  4. My feet
  5. My hands
  6. The daily Wordle puzzle
  7. My coffee pot
  8. Casual racism 
  9. Bad business decisions
  10. No vision for the world's collective future
  11. The wrapper of my blood pressure tablet sitting there waiting to be put in the bin
  12. Hope
  13. A sense of irony.
12 things you have always wanted to try
  1. Skydiving
  2. Stand up comedy
  3. Getting married
  4. Owning a dog (of my own)
  5. Taking three months off and not worrying about money
  6. Finishing a novel
  7. Learning to play the piano properly
  8. Dancing - such as learning to Tango. 
  9. Going on a long silent retreat
  10. Singing in a choir
  11. Being skinny
  12. Absinthe

11 objects that mean a lot to you

This is a bit of a strange one as objects don't really mean much to me. But here you go. 

  1. My grandmother's collander. 
  2. My Pandora bracelets
  3. My Master's testamur (diploma)
  4. My mother's engagement ring
  5. My passport (which I must get renewed soon)
  6. My Snoopy mug which lives at Mum's place and I've had since I was a teenager. I'm having a cup of tea out of it now. 
  7. Stobey Poles. (It's a South Australian thing)
  8. My new poppy earrings. It is ANZAC Day tomorrow after all
  9. The little box I bought my Mum in Seville which sits on the kitchen bench. 
  10. The camel saddle in Mum's lounge room
  11. My red woolen wrap. 
A Stobey Pole

10 places you have been

  1. Salem, Massachussetts
  2. Toledo, Spain
  3. Blarney, Ireland
  4. Ubud, Bali, Indonesia
  5. Bagdad, Tasmania
  6. Myponga, South Australia
  7. Intercourse, Pennsylvania
  8. Bangkok, Thailand
  9. London, England
  10. Mykonos, Greece

 9 of your favorite foods

  1. Roast lamb (which I had last night with all the trimmings and it was WONDERFUL)
  2. Creme brulee
  3. Ginger Stilton cheese
  4. Fresh mango, eaten whilst naked and standing near running water
  5. Pasties - as in Cornish pasties, from South Australian bakeries
  6. Portuguese tarts
  7. Battered fish and chips
  8. A Bahn Mi from down the road at one of our wonderful Vietnamese Bakeries
  9. Fry's Turkish Delight

8 things you would rather be doing

Again, this is a bit moot as I'm sitting at Mum's kitchen table with a cup of tea robbing her broadband and writing, but in my life, I would rather be: 

  1. Walking the Camino di Compostella de Santiago in Spain
  2. Having six month off, fully paid, to write this novel
  3. Swimming in the ocean (doing that tomorrow)
  4. Knitting
  5. Travelling around the South West of England
  6. Walking through rainforrest
  7. Voting out our current Federal Government
  8. Dancing like nobody is watching. 

7 things you would take to a deserted island. 

  1. A well stocked kindle with all the books I want to read loaded up on it. 
  2. A large solar powered battery unit for recharging said kindle
  3. Lots and lots of insect repellant. 
  4. A couple of tarpaulins
  5. A large supply of zippy weatherproof lighters
  6. A terabyte of music and something to play it on (also powered by the solar powered battery unit. 
  7. Sunscreen

6 things you wish you never had to do

  1. Mop floors
  2. Read Russian literature
  3. Physics in Year 11
  4. Get migraines
  5. Work at a certain supermarket chain (worst job ever)
  6. Deal with an ingrown toenail - they are just annoying. 

5 people that mean the world to you

  1. Jonella
  2. Blarney
  3. Geetangeli
  4. Mum
  5. Dev and the Gunnas (new friends who are all fantastic people)   
4 of your biggest fears
  1. Intimacy
  2. Commitment
  3. Huntsman Spiders
  4. Snakes

 3 words to describe how you feel right now

  1. Recovering from exhaustion
  2. Hopeful
  3. Relaxed

2 things you're excited for

  1. Going on a very long overseas holiday seeing new places
  2. Having dinner at Richmond Oysters next week.

 1 thing you want to say to someone

  1. I love you (I tell my cat this all the time - would be nice to say it to a human for a change)


  1. I have never had the desire to skydive. Scares me just to think of it.

    I do Wordle every day, usually right after midnight.

  2. I would like to finish a novel, too. :-) A solar battery! That’s simply perfect.
