Monday, April 25, 2022

Holiday Planning Part 1

There's something about having a few days off in a new location which sets your brain wandering - and you wondering. 

My question, "Where are you going on holiday?"

My response is normally, "Holiday? What's a holiday?"

I spent yesterday afternoon with some of my extended family. My stepsister and her partner. My cousin and her husband, who are in their seventies, and another cousin and her 94-year-old Mum - who's very lovely, but VERY deaf. But she had a good time. 

We started talking about travel - and my feet started to itch. Travel has been a long, lost dream for the last few years. Yet, as I've been working hard, and particularly hard for the last six months, and I have five weeks of paid holiday up my sleeve. I've also had no extended break since I left the job before this one. So this time is ripe. 

Having this few days off has meant I can focus on what I actually want to do with some of this time. IF anything, this has proved that I'm well overdue for a long break and time to go and something I really enjoy. 

So here are a few of my ideas. 

1) A month in Bali on retreat. 

I've been to Bali on numerous occasions. Maybe I could take myself off and do sound healer training - something I would love. Go up into the hills and do yoga every day. Reconnect with some like minded souls. 

Pros: Fairly cost effective. I'd come back floating six inches above the ground. 

Cons: I've been to Bali many times before. 

2) Japan

I've always wanted to go to Japan. My mum went about 30 years ago and loved it. I think if I was to go I'd look at maybe spending a few weeks there. My friend Norty is also interested in going, so I might have a travel companion to help keep costs down. It's also now a lot more accessible as many people speak a bit of English. It looks like a fascinating country.

Pros: Might have a travel buddy. Never been there, always wanted to go. 

Cons: None that I can think of. Might be a 2-3 week trip and not the extended break I'm angling for. 

3) Go visit Reindert in Colorado.

We were talking about this before COVID hit. Fly to Los Angeles, pick up a car, maybe drive to Boulder, Colorado via places like Las Vegas, Salt Lake City and a couple of national parks. I like the thought of seeing a different side of America

Pros: Something I've never done before. Some of the accommodation costs would be covered. 

Cons: Driving on the wrong side of the road. The cost of hire cars across the globe is stupid at the moment. 

4) Walk the Camino de Santiago di Compostella

Strangely, stupidly, I really like the idea of taking out six weeks or so and walking the 800 kilometres across the top of Spain, taking in towns like Pamplona, Borgos, Leon and many others. You walk 20-30 kilometres a day. I'd have to find a company to take my bags and walk with a day pack. Bit this something I've always wanted to do. And I need an extended break. And it's a goal of mine. 

Pro: I might be able to get most of the time off paid. 

Con: A bit of training, a lot of things will need to fall into place. 

5) A cathedral tour of Southern England.

It's no big news that I've been chomping at the bit to get back to the United Kingdom. it's my spiritual home and I do love it there. I'd love to have the run of a car, and go Cathedral spotting along the South. I'm talking Canterbury, Winchester, Salisbury, Gloucester, Bath, down to Welles and Exeter. I love cathedrals. I love England. Why not?

Pros: I'd be in bliss. Maybe catch up with some old friends while I'm there. 

Cons: The cost - although AirBNB might be able to help. 

6) Rent a jail cell and write

You can do this in Melbourne. You can rent a jail cell at Melbourne Jail for a few weeks. They supply a desk and a chair and some limited internet and you can sit down and write. You don't go anywhere, but you do have a place to go everyday to write. 

Pros: I'll be writing. It's cost effective. 

Cons: I'm not actually going anywhere. 

Well, there are a few thoughts. Anything else I should add to the list? 

Oh yes, I also have to renew my passport - it expires in January - best get that done soon as I doubt they will let me out of the country with less than 6 months on it. 

Today's song: 

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