Thursday, May 26, 2022

Back to Work


It had to happen. I had to go back to work. The medical cerficate ran out yesterday. 

I got back to 250 emails. 

230 of those emails were binned immediately. 

The team were happy to see me. 

My stomach wall was not so happy. It appears I can sit upright for about half an hour before needed to go walking around for a bit. This is a bit of a blessing. 

So I sorted out the 30 or so emails, chatted to people, wtalked about what I might wear to the big party  we are having next Friday (which it has been inlplied we have to go to)

I talked to the girls in Perth, who are coming to Melbourne for the said party. 

I had a meeting with my manager

I had a meeting with one of our stakeholders about some stuff which needed to be done on the work we've just completed. 

We had a team meeting. 

And I did some appraisals

And at 5.30 I had a chat with one of the other girls in Perth about this and that. 

And at 5.45 I am away rather knackered, wondering just what I had achieved today. Which was next to no practical work and a heap of administration. 

I had some pumpkin curry for lunch and I got about 30 pages of my book read over the day. 

And I had a drinks date down the pub at 7 pm. 

But I'm still wondering just what I got out of today, other than meeting a nice person down the pub. 

Oh and I ate some cheese on rice cakes. Not too much of it as I'm being good, but a little bit. I rue the day I was introduced to this supermarket cheapy holy terror of glory. This will last me least a week. It has to. Good for the 3 pm pick me up on a rice cake. 

And for a beer soaker after the pub. 

So that was my day. 

Better go to bed so I can do it all again tomorrow. At least it's a short week. 

Today's song:

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