Friday, May 27, 2022

Things to write about

 It's 11.20 pm and I haven't done my blog, and it's something I am very vigilant about doing. It's been nearly two and a half years of blogging daily - I have not missed a day, not even in the middle of a gallbladder attack or being in hospital. 

I've been trying to write this for most of the day, but have yet found a topic to write on. 

I could write about how much I hate internet dating. But that is a subject for a longer post on another day` when my head is straight. 

There's always the topic of why there are ants marching over my keyboard. Does this mean it;s going to rain? There is no food about the place. 

Or the fact I'm thinking about replacing my car - it's coming up on seven years, but cars are scarce and I don't quite know what to get. A hybrid? But what sort of hybrid? Or replace my current Mazda CX-3 with something similar. Nothing too big. 

Of course I could write about the film I saw tonight, but that is for tomorrow's post after I've had a think about it. There's a bit to unpack there. 

Next Friday, we have a work function which I am dreading. I have to frock up, do my hair and put on makeup. This is going to be after a morning off to go to a friend of mines' mother's funeral. I think I'm happier going to the funeral... I mean having to dress up (like what to wear) and go hang out with people who've been shouting at me for the last six months... and my boss is down from Sydney... and I have to frock up and wear uncomfortable shoes... and try to have a good hair day... yeah... nah...

Going on from this, I could write about the process of buying stocking for said outfit for next Friday - but who buys stockings any more. I haven't bought stockings in years. 

I could review the book I'm reading, but I've another thirty pages to read and I'm sure there will be a twist (Jennifer Down's Bodies of Light - it's excellent. I'm also listening to Paul Kalanithi's When Breath Becomes Air - which is also astounding.)

There's Lucifer's latest trick - digging around in his water bowl, splashing water all around the place. I watched him this morning. He just appears to like jumping into his water bowl. I have no idea why. He's eating and sleeping and pooing alright - I think he's just being a turd. 

I could write about how today's song has been going around in my head all day, despite not hearing it for probably 30 years - obscure Icehouse  - who knew. 

My weekend is looking like it will be all writing, cleaning and getting a good hour's walk done, weather permitting. Don't need to write about that. 

So now I've written about what I'm not going write about, I have a short blog. 


Now I'm off to bed. 

And here is Icehouse with one of their less played and underloved songs. 

Today's song: 

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