Saturday, May 28, 2022

Movie Review: Top Gun: Maverick

Movie Number 23 of 2022

Movie: Top Gun: Maverick

Cinema: Hoyts Victoria Gardens (on their ExtremeScreen)

Stars: 4

A week ago I was writing about the original Top Gun being a really bad film. Well, as an excuse to get out of the house for the evening, Jay and I want along to see this - and within limitations, this is not that bad. Actually, despite it being twee and corny, it was good fun and the flight scenes were amazing. 

Yes, this is a Tom Cruise vanity project. Get your head around this and all is well. 

So what do you get over 30 years after the original came out? 

Well, Cruise plays Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, a bit of a renegade test pilot who is working away from the main navy as he keeps pissing people off. Who knew? He is recalled to the Top Gun school under the orders of Admiral Tom "Iceman" Kozansky - yes, his nemisis in the original Top Gun played by a now silent Val Kilmer, to train up theses elite pilots for what appears to be a suicide mission. 

Of these 12 keen and willing pilots one is Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw, his old partner Goose's son. There is a bit of water under the bridge. Maverick appears to have been young Bradley's mentor, but in deference to his mother's wishes (played by Meg Ryan in the original movie) Maverick held up Rooster's career path as a pilot, so there's some bad blood between them.

Anyway, Maverick has three weeks to get these top pilots ready to fly what's all but a suicide mission against an unnamed enemy. Who this enemy isn't said explicitly, which had me scratching my head. The film ends with the mission, somewhat early and not really going to plan. I'll not say any more. 

But what I will say is that I found this great entertainment. Sure, it's a Tom Cruise passion project  first and foremost.( Cruise, who you have to remember turns 60 this year, so the botox, formadahyde or whatever it is sustaining his youthful appearance is still working well.) This has to be seen on the biggest screen you can find. We went to Victoria Gardens and saw it on one of their ExtremeScreens - they're huge - and it was fantastic. 

Okay, the script isn't great, and it's pretty corny and predictable, but what it lacks in finesse, in makes up for in incredible flying scenes - which are even better than the ones in the first film. And there are the blatant nods to the original film, including the gratuitous topless, tanned men playing sport shot (which was quite nice to look at). 

But it is what it is. A Tom Cruise movie with goodies and baddies and lots of aerial stunts. You don't need to engage your brain much, and if you excuse the plotholes and schmatlz you'll have a good time. 

I hate to admit, but I really enjoyed this, and will happily see it again with Jonella's partner - even if it is to watch the football scene again. This is a great sequel - a better film than the original.

Today's song: 

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