Sunday, May 29, 2022

Sunday Stealing: Love Me Some Surveys

 It's that time of the week again. Sunday morning means Sunday questions, provided, as always, by Bev at Sunday Stealing

1. Who was the last attractive person you saw?

I went and saw Top Gun: Maverick on Friday night. Jon Hamm is in it. I think he's gorgeous. 

2. Do you have a tattoo? If not, are you going to get one?

I have one small tattoo on my hip. It's the Chinese symbol for love - it's very small, you can barely see it and it's been there for 25 years. I had a tattoo before tattoos were cool. 

3. Have you smoked a cigarette in the last 24 hours?

No. I don't smoke any more - haven't for well over a decade.  (With the occassional puff when I've had too much to drink.) Mind you, in Australia, a pack costs around $60 - how anybody can afford to smoke is beyond me. 

4. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?

Second chances, yes. Third chances, no. 

5. What is your favorite number?

7 and 64.

6. What time did you go to sleep last night?

About 12.45. I was watching something on telly and I like to get the Wordle out before I go to sleep. thats a bit later than normal, but not much. I normally go to bed around midnight. 

7. Are you one of those people that always answer their phones?

No - I will often ignore calls. Depends on who is calling. 

8. If you died today would your life be complete?

Well, yes, it would, because I would be dead and there would be no more life. I suppose that's a bit defeatist as I think I have a hell of a lot more to do. 

9. If you are being extremely quiet, what does that mean?

I'm thinking. Be very scared. 

10. Do you know what high school your dad went to?

Yes I do. But strangely, I can't tell you which high school my mother went to. I will have to ask her, Mum moved around a lot as a kid. 

11. Last time you had butterflies in your stomach?

I really can't remember. It's been a while. 

12. Where is your cell phone?

In front of me on my lap top. 

13.  What is the nearest purple thing to you?

My cat's brush is to my left. it's made of purple rubber. He only just tolerates it. 

14. When did you last step outside?  What were you doing?

Friday night - though I am about to go outside to hang out the washing on the line. I have a small load that will be under 5 kilograms, which means I can cart it down. I'm not allowed to lift anything over 5 kilograms for the next three weeks, thanks to surgery three weeks ago. Thankfully everything is healing well. 

15. What is the last thing you watched on TV?

Yesterday I watched a few episodes of Miranda and Upstart Crow on one of the streaming services. I find it laugh out loud funny. Love British comeduy. 

Today's song: 


  1. I always do Wordle last thing before I go to sleep too.

  2. I went to a graduation party yesterday, outdoors.

  3. $60 a carton! I wonder if that would cure my son-in-law's habit?
    It sounds like our cats have the same brush or at least something similar. My cat is also not a fan.

  4. I read your post last night and didn't comment because I literally ran into the other room to tell my husband how much a pack of cigarettes cost . . .but I just read Stacy's comment above -- is it $60 for a one pack or $60 for a carton of multiple packs? In Alabama, a single pack is over $7 by the time you add tax. My only "costly" habit right now is diet pepsi and the price of those has recently jumped.

  5. @Stacey and @Lisa - It's $60 for a packet of 30 cigarettes - a pouch of tobacco is about the same price. Heaven knows what a carton costs.
