Monday, May 30, 2022

Winter has come

 Winter came with a bang this morning, not the whimper I was hoping for. 

Winter has the unfortunate ability to turn up with the subtelty of an unexpected period, or like the Jehovah's Witnesses on your doorstep. Unwanted and a bit unnecessary and very annoying. 

So I sit here in my pyjamas and my oodie and my ugg boots, with the lacklustre heater on (and drying my towel) thinking about the week that is, in this bone chilling, sub-Antarctic weather at the arse end of May. 

Tomorrow I'll be home, working in said pyjamas, ugg boots and oodie just trying to keep warm. I rather envy Lucifer, who's taken up sleeping under his blanket wrapped up in a snuggie. 

Wednesday my team are going into work and we're going out to lunch - which means a trudge out in the weather to the restaurant my colleague has chosen. Must remember to take my umbrella - although I'll probably forget it. A visit to the myotherapist to have my shoulder seen to will also be fun. In the cold. After work. Joy. 

Thursday, I'm home again. The cat will be happy. 

Friday will be a mixed bag. In the morning I'll head off to a funeral being held for a friend's mother. I'd met her mum on many occasions, and I really want to be there for my friend. The morning has been taken off work. 

Then in the evening, we have a dress up work do. Joy. The theme of the evening is "A Little Bit Glam".


So this means trying to make my hair presentable. And I get to wear my new dress. It was bought on a whim. My tits might get cold. At least the party is indoors. 

An evening out means I will have to find a pair of stockings, and wear heels, and put on full make up - not just the eyeliner and mascara I normally wear. And maybe team this with  a black (p)leather jacket for warmth, some jewellery and a bit of attitude. At least my legs were waxed the other day. 

Blah, who am I kidding? I'd rather stay home with the cat. I'm not sure I'm up to being nice to a whole heap of people I normally flip the bird to whilst in zoom meetings at with the cameras off at work. (Kidding). 

But it's been implied that going is a good things. Half the team is coming over from Perth. The rest of them are coming down from Sydney. 

Then there's the Uber home. 

Yes, I'm impressed as I sound. I just hope I don't get COVID from this. 

But it's cold, and though I like the cold, and my oodie and ugg boots, it's been a shock the system. 

Today's song: 

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