Thursday, May 5, 2022

Searching for a friend for the end of the world

 Actually, I'm looking for a friend to watch the election results with me on the 21st of May. 

See, I'm a political animal. 

I've also got the added joy of being ten days out of hospital and I don't know what sort of state I'm going to be in then. Hopefully by then I'll be up and about - but the energy might be down a bit. 

And I want to watch the election results on the telly - and watch Antony Green call whoever is forming government, and maybe watch a few Libs lose their seats. 

I want somebody to be there with me to drink a gin and tonic and yell at the telly with. 

Part of me would like my own version of Don's Party - but I don't know where I will be at that time, health wise. I might be fine. I might be tired. I might still be out of action. 

I just want somebody to watch the election with, who's not going to get bored and who will yell along with me. 

Last federal election I spent the evening with a mate and her dog in Surrey Hills. It wasn't a fun election as it didn't go where I wanted it to go. But it was fun watching Tony Abbott lose his seat.

The election before I was out in Warburton with a friend. He was amazed at how much shouting at the telly I did over the night. Scared his cat. 

The one before that was spent with Georgie and Thom in Reservoir. The night was over before it began when Abbott got in. That wasn't fun. 

The one before that there was no conclusive result. I can't remember where I was for that. That was the Gillard hung parliament election. I was in the tea room at work on Spring Street three weeks later when Rob Oakeshott called  his support for her. He went on for about half an hour, the moron. 

Oh, the one before that was memorable. The guy I was seeing came over. I remember John Howard losing his seat. That was a fun night. 

The one before that was good too. Not because the coalition got in, but it was a memorable night with friends. I got home about ten the next morning. 

The one before that, I was down at Myponga, getting shirty with the telly. My step-dad kept on telling me to calm down. 

So, I'm auditioning. I'm in need of a friend to watch the election results with me on the 20th. Probably best if you like gin, cats and can hold your own with somebody who may or may not throw nerf balls at the telly.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        +r

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