Friday, May 6, 2022

Oysters six ways

 Richmond Oysters has been on my list of places to go for over a decade. It sits on Church Street about a kilometre down the road. It's always been there. It's more been a matter of finding people to go with - people who like oysters as much as I do. 

Oysters are a polarising crustecean. 

One of my favourite oyster meals was in Jahor Bahru, Malaysia with and old uni friend and her family. We had fried egg and oysters. I just remember it being amazing - all washed down with sugar cane juice. 

Tonight Jonella and Stav picked me up and we finally made it to this Mecca, and oysters we had.

We had oysters six ways.

We started with Oyster shooters - the first shot was a Bloody Mary Oyster shooter, complete with a little bit of celery and a tabasco kick. 

The other oyster shot was offered to us when the kitchen got a bit backed up. The Japanese Oyster shot had an oyster in a shot glass topped with sake, mirin, wasabi and pickled ginger. I could have had a dozen of these. Fantastic. 

Of course we ordered a dozen oysters each. We had the choice of Pacific Oysters or Sydney Oysters. Allegedly the Sydney ones are creamier. They were great (although I was a bit miffed that there were no Coffin Bay Oysters to be had - they are also wonderful. )

For me, I split my dozen. I had nine of them au naturel with a bit of granita or vinaigrette. 

Of the other three, I tried them hot. 

  • One oyster topped with mornay
  • One baked with Kewpie mayonnaise
  • And one Kilpatrick. 
At the end of this, we kept going. Stav had some seafood linguine, while Jonella and I shared a pot of mussels and some of the best salt and pepper calamari I've ever had. 

And dessert was necessary. There choice was that of a Golden Gaytime arrangment - or a Creme Brulee. I went the Creme Brulee - just becuase I love the feeling of the toffee craking under the spoon. 

I'd go back tomorrow. I'd go back tomorrow to have a dozen of thise Japanese Oyster shots (and that amazing calamari). 

It was a lovely night out. 

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