Saturday, May 7, 2022

Sunday Stealing: Do you like...

 Once again I'm doing the Sunday Stealing questions on Saturday, as I know tomorrow I'll have something more interesting to write about. I'm off to a play tonight, which I'm very much looking forward to. 

Anyway, as always, the questions have been provided by Bev at Sunday Stealing

1. Do you like your handwriting?

No. I have handwriting like a demented, serial-killing doctor. When I try it's okay, but that is not very often. For this reason, I type where I can. 

2. Do you like roller coasters?

Can't really say - I've never been on one. They're not a big thing here unless you come from Queensland where all the theme parks reside. 

3. Do you like scary movies?

Again, that's a no. Thrillers are fine, but I'm not into horror. 

4. Do you like shopping?

It's something that has to be done. I like window shopping more than shopping. I love seeing the possibilities. 

5. Do you like to talk on the phone?

Depends on to whom I am speaking. Sometimes I'm down for a chat, but not that often. 

6. Do you sleep with the lights on or off?

Off. It has to be dark for me to nod off easily. 

7. Do you use headphones or earphones?

Earphones. Preferably the bluetooth ones. 

8. Do you have tattoos?  Do you want any?

Just one very small one on my hip. It's been there for 25 years. I have no desire to get any more, although do think about it now and then. 

9. Do you wear glasses?

Yes. I can get away most of the day without them, but they are needed for the cinema, driving and at night. 

10. What is your strangest talent?

Other than starting arguments from ten kilometres away? I can recite the Jabberwocky when rather drunk - all of it. 

11. Have you ever been in the hospital?

Yes, a couple if times for short visits. Strangely, I'm going in on Tuesday to have my gall bladder removed. Hopefully I'll only be in overnight. 

12. What color mostly dominates your wardrobe?

Black and red, with a bit of navy thrown in for good measure. 

13. What’s your most expensive piece of clothing?

I'm not one for very expensive clothing, and most of my clothes I've bought second-hand or on sale. There are a couple of dresses I paid over $200 for. I don't have a life that requires expensive clothes. 

14. Have you ever had braces?

No. Thankfully my teeth are fairly straight. 

15. Have you ever been on TV?

Yes. I was on an episode of Win Roy and HG's Money back in the early noughties. Won the round and won $800.

Today's song: 


  1. Hi Pand,

    1. "No. I have handwriting like a demented, serial-killing doctor. "

    Ha Ha - that made me laugh.

    10. "I can recite the Jabberwocky when rather drunk - all of it. "

    I can recite bits of it. It truly is a weird poem. I might have a go at it myself (as I haven't done anything like that for years).




  2. Loved your handwriting comment--that was great!

  3. I had a student teacher with illegible handwriting and I sassed him about it--said it's something he really needed to practice. I'm adept at deciphering handwriting but make sure mine is very clear to read.

  4. Reciting Jabberwocky while drunk is definitely an unusual talent. :-) Good luck with your surgery!

  5. Your strangest talent made me laugh! Good luck with your surgery!
