Thursday, June 30, 2022

A Week Off

 My pimp called me this morning. Pimp? It's what I call the recruitment consultants who farm me out to my jobs at an exhorbidant rate. They make a ton of money off my efforts, but then again, they pay my taxes. Such is life. 

The call came through at ten to nine, just as I was heading out the flat to go to my last day at work. Would it be okay if I started Monday week instead of Monday, he asked. My new job wasn't quite ready for me. Would it be okay if I had a week off?

My answer?


I went skipping into my last day of work. Even though I was quite prepared to start on Monday, ten full days off will give me a bit more vim and vigour for my new role. 

Tomorrow, Jonella and I are off to the Peninsula Hot Springs for the day. I love it there. It's an early start as we're due down in Rye at 10 am. At least we're going against the traffic. 

Saturday, I'm considering going to do my first Park Run in two years. A friend has bribed me along with the threat of coffee. 

Sunday, Blarney and the boys and I are going to see the Minions film. Love Minions. 

And now I have a week to myself. 

Yes, I have a play to go see on Friday night. 

And Barney is making me go to the footy the following Sunday, as the Crows are playing the Hawks (Marvel Stadium will be a birdcage)

But what else can I do with my week off?

I'd go away if it wasn't for the fact that it's school holidays - everything's busy, everything's expensive and yeah, kids. Nah.

Of course, a visit to the Picasso Exhibition might happen. Even though it's school holidays, the exhibition should be quieter than on the weekends. 

I have plenty of reading and writing and knitting to do. And putting clothes and shoes I no longer wear on Facebook Marketplace. And cleaning around here. And going through the kitchen cupboards. And maybe going for a daily swim - as in go for a kilometre swim at the local Olympic pool - nothing better than getting yourself back into water. 

And of course, there's sleeping in and cuddling the cat. 

Regardless of the fact I'm going nowhere, I'm looking forward to this week off. It's an unexpected gift not to be wasted. 

Today's song: 

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