Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Penultimate Day

 I shut down my work laptop at six 'o' clock. Later than I wanted, but pleased that I finished what may be the last real work for this company at this point in time. It's nice to leave things in a reasonable state. I'll be walking out the door tomorrow afternoon, head held high, but really glad to be going. 

I've worked for this company for nearly two and a half years. I'm truly grateful to have had a job over COVID, to have some stability and to have worked with some great people.  Over this time I've got to do things I've never done before - lead people, look after a team, interview people... The other thing I'm grateful for is that I've had sick leave, so I could have my gall bladder out and not have to worry about not getting paid. This was an absolute godsend. And because of COVID, I'm walking out with 26 days of holiday that needs to be paid out - so again, another bonus. 

Then again, the six months from October, where I was the team leader, working six days a week, 55-60 hours a week and a heap of stressed out people wasn't appreciated. 

And burnout is very real. 

It's a bit sad when you're looking forward to having a fortnight off to have your gallbladder out.

So in closing down my laptop tonight, I put it in my backpack. The charger and its cables were put in the backpack as well. I cleaned out my office desk over the last few weeks - all that's left in there is a water bottle, a tube of hand cream and a box of tissues. 

Tomorrow will be about coffee and lunch and saying goodbye. 

And that's it. 

It always feels strange walking out of a long term job. This one has been a good one, despite the last six months and the burnout. Monday will take me back to an old stomping ground - old company, new work. A new boss. An old outfit, post COVID. 

I'm up for the challenge. 

Today's song: 

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