Thursday, June 23, 2022

Marketing the Unmarketable

 Last night's Masons meeting was unlike no other. After last month, where we had members who had had surgery and couldn't do the required lifting in the ritual, somebody down with COVID, somebody away with work and somebody on holidays, we didn't have enough members to conduct the meeting. This perfect storm made us get together to discuss where we wanted to go. '

Among the discussions of the rituals (Too Churchy? Too long? Not up to date?), the time and place, the fact that many of our members are elderly and driving at night is starting to be an issue, to what we want to get out of being in the lodge. 

For people who know little of Freemasonry, this may all seem a bit strange and surreal - but I'm saying nothing that many other clubs and associations are going through, especially after COVID. 

And then there is the problem of membership numbers - part of which is how do you advertise a secret society? And okay, we're a society with secrets rather than a strange cult that everybody things is about blood letting and other weird practices. But our website, which isn't Google optimised, has us, Freemasonry for Men and Women (as opposed to the pure Men's version of Freemasonry, which most people are aware of) and our website can be found of page five of the google search under the Church of Satan... fun, eh?

But what's gone through my head over the last day or so is how do you market a secret society? What a the drawcards? What can the Freemasons offer? What do you get out of being a part of this? How can you make what at times feels like an archaic association and make it appealing to a new generation. 

If anybody has any ideas, please get into contact to discuss. We need all the help we can get, with a very limited budget to do it. 

Today's song:

1 comment:

  1. Get more people to read War and Peace. That's got heaps of info about freemasonry and it paints a compelling picture
