Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Six Weeks On

 Six weeks ago I had my gallbladder taken out. After this, I was given the strict instructions to not lift anything over five kilograms for the next six weeks. 

Well, I lasted 5 weeks being very good about lifting things. Okay, the cat, who weighs 6 kilos, he's been getting the odd pick up and cuddle, but not in the first three weeks - he hates being picked up anyway. And this last weekend, I had to get my stuff downstairs to go away. Some of that stuff weighed more than five kilos - but not too much more. It didn't hurt or pull

Speaking to my myotherapist this evening as he said that surgeons were really conservative when it comes to things relating to recovery and lifting things. But by being strict,it means that fewer people end up getting hernias from straining. 

The ban of weights has meant five weeks off from the gym, I've missed Masons because of a lifting requirement in one of the ceremonies (and being knackered when the meeting fell a week after the initial surgery. Then there's the lying on hard surfaces. I had to have my shoulder looked at three weeks ago, the shooting pains down my arm were getting the better of me (and it's nervy pain, not heart pain - it's fine). Lying on the massage table was a bit hit and miss. Tonight, when I went back for a follow up, and there was no problem with the table - and the shoulder is nearly fixed - bloody rotator cuffs.

Tomorrow night is the first time in six weeks I can do the following: 

  • Sit ups
  • Russian twists
  • Planks
  • Leg presses
  • Kettle bellswings
  • Dead lifts
  • Squats with more than 5 kilos on my back
  • And all sorts of other things involving weights and my core
I've been hankering to get back to this for a few weeks - who knew I'd be missing all of this so much. I can't wait to get back to it all. 

I might even try getting back into running. 

Okay, I'm not that desperate, but I'm glad this surgeon inforced purgatory is over. 

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