Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Bonus: The Fifth Element

You gotta love Gardening Leave. 

Okay, by rights, I'm not on Gardening Leave, but close to it. My role here is finishing, I'm turning up to work, but I'm not busting a gut to get things done.  (Gardening Leave is what they tend to call the time you have from when you're given your notice until when you leave, where you're free to do jobs about the house).

So I'm here doing some document tidying while the telly is on in the background. 

And what do I find? 


The Fifth Element is playing on SBS World Movies. 


I love this film.

Bruce Willis still has hair. 

Ian Holm is at his dippy best.

Korben Dallas has a white cat who loves him dearly. 

Gary Oldman is menacing. 

Leeloo (Milla Jovovich) is bonkers. 

Actually, the whole movie is bonkers.

It reminds me a lot of that classic movie, Brazil, which like this, has cult status. Not so strangely, Brazil also has a mostly British cast and is absolutely bonkers. 

This has helped to make Gardening Leave even better. 

Well, back to it - with one eye on the telly. 

Today's song: 

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