Monday, June 20, 2022

The Day Off

 The next best thing about going on retreat is the day off after the retreat, which I always take because I'm always knackered the following day and there's all the things you need to do on the weekend that don't get done.

As the day has now gone, I see this as being a very successful day. 

Two loads of washing dried on the line. 

The said washing is nearly all ironed and put away. 

I went for a training session - today is the last day I have to watch what I lift - tomorrow's the six week mark after surgery and I can get back to weight training and abdominal excercises - building myself up again. Really looking forward to that.

Of course, I had to spend some time with the cat. After being completely traumatised by his stay at Blarney and Barney's, where he camped out in a suitcase and hissed at them everytime they went near him, he's come home and turned into a sooky la-la. I'm getting regular cuddles. He's purring a lot. If only he'd let Barney and Blarney love him, but no. At least he's safe, fed and watered there - and they will keep trying to gain his affection. And it only took ten minutes to get him in his carrier this time around. We're getting better at this.

And I read my book group book. I've still go ninety pages, but I will get that done by 8 pm tomorrow. 

Oh yes, and I plotted out what might be a memoir...

It's been a lovely day. 

Today's song:

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