Sunday, June 19, 2022

Sunday Stealing: From Danielle Selander

I'm still on retreat, down the Great Ocean Road. I've gone skinny dipping in the Southern Ocean in the middle of winter and lived once again to tell the tale. I've laughed, cried, danced, smoked, drank, written, had fun and generally had a bloody ball. It's been awesome. I really needed this weekend. 

Questions, as always, supplied by Bev at Sunday Stealing

 1. If you could live in a house shaped like anything what would it be?

I currently live in a flat it would be nice to live in a house with a bit more room. I'd love to live in a typical American two story weatherboard house. They look big and accommodating. 

2. What do you think is in outer space?

Lots, but not much. Stars, planets, dust, space junk and vast expanses of nothingness. 

3. Where is the most wonderful place you’ve ever been?

I have to say, today, the most wonderful place I have been is the beach pictured above. It really is the most fabulous place. 

4. If you were invisible for a day, what would you do?

Invisible for the day, I'd probably sneak into some theatre productions I couldn't afford to go to. I think that would be fun. 

5. What is the worst smell in the world?

Corned beef when it's cooking - hate that smell. Dead animal (e.g. a bird/mouse) when it can't be found and disposed of easily. 

6. If you could, what animal would you be?

I'd be a very well loved house cat. I think that would be great. 

7. What is the greatest thing ever invented?

The HRT patch. Stopping women all over the world from committing murder a for a few years now. 

8. What is your favorite word? Why?

Serendipity. A happy accident. I like how it feels in the mouth. It's a happy word. 

9. Who is someone in history that you’d like to be friends with? Why?

I've always wanted to be friends with William Shakespeare - I just want to see how his brains work. 

10. If your pet could talk, what would it say?

"Oi, feed me, you bitch. Rub my tummy, you bitch. And leave me alone while I'm sleeping. I don't need to be kissed all the time!"

11. Were there dinosaurs on Noah’s ark?

No, because dinosaurs were extinct by then. 

12. What makes you cry?

All sorts of things. Strange things. Touching bits in movies. Friends in bad places. Loss. 

13. Have you ever played a joke on someone? What was it?

I haven't played a joke on anybody in ages. Most of my jokes on people are little and subtle, like asking Jonella to make a choice about a restaurant booking. She's a Libran. She doesn't make decisions easily. it's fun to watch. 

14. What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do?

Get over my pink phobia and wear my pink, sparkly gumboots all weekend. I don't wear pink - but I wear them now.

15. What is the most important appliance in your house?

Can I say my vibrator? If not, it's a toss up between the fridge, which keeps the food fresh, and my computer which is used all the time and is a communications device. 

Today's song: 


  1. We have the same favorite word. I'm glad you had a nice break.

  2. Your pink boots are cute. It’s not until I got older that I’ve come to like pink and to accept I look good in it. Being a very loved cat would be nice, definitely.

  3. Yes. Anyone who has been skinny dipping in the Southern Ocean can say their vibrator.
