Saturday, June 18, 2022

Grace Notes

 Here are some notes from the retreat. 

1) Nothing feels better than the enthusiasm you have when you are wearing pink sparkly gumboots. I feel like I'm four-years-old and can conquer the world. All because I am wearing secondhand pink, sparkly gumboots in a size 9. I think these will be akin to my superhero's cape. I can do anything in these shoes. And as they say, if you're going to do something, do it with the confidence of a four-year-old in a Batman suit. These are my Batman suit. 

2) Rediscovering an old project is like coming back into contact with an old friend. 

3) Forgiving yourself for not working on your big novel project is a great feeling. After six months of struggling, forgiven myself enough to know that my novel project needs some space to hibernate. And this will be a good thing. I'll keep taking notes, journaling, thinking about it. But I'm not staring at the screen, wishing the words would flow.  The words are flowing on the other project. 

4) Before I came down here to the retreat, I had lunch with and old family friend. Unfortunately, they appear to be miserable. I've offered some help and guidance in the area to which she's having difficulties. But I'm grateful that I strive to be happy. I'm grateful that the mantra, "Not my circus, not my monkeys," keeping my boundaries solid. I hope my friend finds some happiness. And I have let this go. 

5) Despite having limited sleep, watching the sunrise over the water never, ever gets old. Having  friends to watch the sunrise with you is also a very wonderful thing. We laughed at the willy wagtails arse. We listened to the wardle of the magpies. We communed with the colours over the water. It was wonderful. 

6) I love the sound of the sea, the constant hum of the waves, punctuated by the mooing of cows and the odd car passing. At night, you watch as the lights come around the bend on the hill. Bliss. 

7) Fish and chips make you fart. But there was fish and chips on the menu and fish and chips needed to be had. It was Friday, after all. 

8) I need to be cuddled more. And not just from my cat. 

9) Middle aged women are a very, very under-rated commodity. 

10) I need this t-shirt to add to my collection of inappropriate, bolshie, out there tees. 

Today's song: (we danced in the chapel to this first thing this morning).

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