Friday, June 17, 2022


 The hard bit of going on retreat is gettng going. 

So far:

  • My knitting and crochet projects are in a bag by the door
  • There is a small bag of groceries with it containing Turkish Delight bars (currency) a couple of bottles of tonic, half a block of Raspberry Milky Bar (writing prompt), decaffeinated coffee pods (because nobody considers we uncaffeinated coffee warriors) and a keep cup. 
  • The gin is in that bag too. 
  • I've taken a RAT test. It was negative. 
  • [p------------ (Lucifer says hello)
  • My bag is packed. I have my toothbrush, hairbrush, my book which needs to be read by Tuesday night, a sarong for Sunday morning - it acts as a towel. I also have ugg boots, jeans, pyjamas... I've overpacked. I always overpack. Ho hum. 
  • The cat carrier sits next to the bag at the ready. 
  • Lucifer is going to stay with Aunty Blarney for the next three days. He will spend most of that time in a cupboard. His choice. Blarney and Barney want to love him. He relishes the role of fickle prick. 
The hard bit will be getting the fickle prick into his carrier. I have to do this in about 20 minutes.

Then once he's dropped off, it's the long drive to Colac to have lunch with a friend, before making the last leg down to Apollo Bay. 

I'm looking forward to the fellowship - if that's what you call it and the restorative nature these retreats impart. 

I'm looking forward to being just me again. 

Time to pack the car.

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