Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Random acts of kindness: Cat Food

 Sunday afternoon is when I do my weekly shop. Although I'm banned from lifting anything more than five kilograms for another two weeks (and yes, I'm over it and chomping at the bit to get back into the gym), I can trolley my groceries to the car and take two smaller bags up the stairs, one at a time. I'm being good. The surgeon will be happy. 

But this is by the by. On Sunday, as I approached Coles, sitting a the coffee shop was two guys. Both were rather dishevelled, probably a couple of housos from the local council flats. Both of them had a very placid cat, on a lead, in their arms. The cats looked well loved and looked after. 

I was stunned. Firstly because if I tried to do this with Lucifer, I'd have my eyes scratched out and my arm taken off. Secondly, because these two moggies were quite comfortable in their dads's arms as the Sunday afternoon throng went about getting their groceries for the week. 

Of course I had to stop for a chat. These guys were really pleasant, and their two cats, one tuxedoed long haired domestic, and the other, a white and tabby long haired domestic cat, were just happy to sit there and watch the world go by. I had to relate my wonder at how these two cats were really at ease sitting there - they weren't stressed at all. I got a little pat too. I told them of Lucifer and how he would never let this happen to him. He's too much of a prick for that. 

I can tell you now, this is not, and will never be Lucifer. Not going to happen. 

As I was leaving, one of their dad's asked if I had 50 cents so he could buy some cat food. 

I thought on this for a second, then asked if they'd be going anywhere for five minutes. I told them to wait. 

Of course I bought them a couple of cans of cat food. I had to get cat treats, and to be honest, rather than give money, I'd rather buy them some food. I can't let a cat go hungry. The great cat overseer of the universe would punish me if I did. 

I returned with four small tins of cat food a few minutes later. His dad seemed very happy. 

"We cat people have to stick together. This will last you a day or so. "

I was thanked heartily, and told, "You know, your cat will never go hungry. You've looked after us, the universe will look after you."

"It's what I believe in." 

I gave the tabby and which scratch behind the ears, wished them both well and got my groceries to the car. 

Am I a sap? Probably. Have I been shafted. Maybe. But it feels good to help out a fellow cat owner. 

What goes around, comes around, and all that. 

Still, I walked away with a warm feeling in my chest knowing I'd helped out somebody who loves his cats as much as I love mine, wishing I could get mine to walk on a lead. It's not going to happen...

Today's song:

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