Wednesday, June 8, 2022


I got the news today that my contract job wasn't being renewed at the end of the month.

So I haven't been sacked as such, but I'm enjoying toying with the word. 

My whole team is being disbanded at the end of the month, and along with many others on the project, there's a lot of us looking for a new role come the end of the month. They're shutting down the project.

I've been here before. 

It's all a part of contracting. 

And strangely, this feels really good. I don't have to turn down an extension that I thought I might be getting. I am free to look for work during working hours. I get to move onto something new - and I have 25 days of holiday, for which they have to pay me there is a good buffer there for me. 

There's a lot of things I'm grateful for with this job. I've been fully employed throughout the pandemic. I've worked with awesome people. I got the chance to upskill. Over the last eight months I've had the opportunity to manage a team - that was a learning experience - and I still think I'm probably the worst boss ever, but I learned a lot. I've also mentored a couple of the team members, and that's been great. And I've made some friends - never a bad thing. 

The company also had me on a fixed term contract, which gave me the chance to have my gallbladder out and have two weeks recovery time. This was really appreciated. There is a lot to be said for fixed term contracts and sick leave. 

But then again, there's been the working 6 days a week, sixty hours a week since October. 

The other silly thing is that over the last two years we've built up a great practice in the documentation space. In disbanding the team, all of this knowledge is walking out of the place. 

And there is still a lot to do, which is not going to get done..., because now notice has been given, there are other things to do. I won't be doing anything over my contracted weekly 37.5 hours. That feels good too. 

So there we are. 

With the current market, I'll be surprised if I don't have something by the end of July. I'm not worried. 

I'm just practicing gratitude and looking forward to what comes next. 

Today's song

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