Thursday, June 9, 2022

Rising Festival: Kaleidescope

So, I went on a date. And it felt like a good first meeting sort of date. My company was above and beyond my expectations - actually, not really, because I'd already ascertained that he was erudite, interesting and had a sense of fun, but he was as nice in person as he is on the apps. So big ticks. 

But as a first date, going to the Rising Festival's Kaleidoscope exhibition was a great suggestion on his part. We both liked the look of Kaleidoscope - and were happily rewarded. 

The Rising Festival, you ask? Well, it's Melbourne's version of Sydney's Vivid and a replacement to Melbourne's excellent White Night. Rising runs over a week and has all sorts of illuminations and activities around the city from 1-12 June. Instead of running riot in the heat of February, it's there to bring people into the city in Winter. And at the moment we're having a bout of brass monkey weather, so rug up. 

So what is it? 

Basically, it's a bit mirror maze, complete with changing lighting and a soundscape.

And it's disorientating, and fun, and strange and awesome all at the same time. 

You take three steps forward and find yourself bumping into an image of yourself. You turn a corner and there you are again. You look at the team member standing in the middle of what you think is the team member, strategically placed to help out people who freak out (and allegedly a few people do every day) and you wander around until eventually, you find your way out. 

It's pretty trippy, considering you're in a box of mirrors which is about 100 metres square. It feels a lot bigger. We stayed in there, just looking around, getting the hang of the place, trying, after a while, to find the exit (You can ask the team member with the lanyard around their neck if you get really stuck or freaked out). 

This was a really pleasant way to spend some time. Thought-provoking, jarring, funny, and joyful. 

It's also kid-friendly, strangely trippy and best done with somebody else so you can watch each other's reactions.

Kaleidescope will be in the Arts Centre forecourt next to the NGV and in front of the spire until 10 July.

Tickets are $15, available online for timed, ticketed entry. 

Today's song: 

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