Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Strange things about today

 Not that today was strange, but it was good to watch some strange behaviours. 

My team met in the office today. Seeing we are being disbanded the week after next, and we're not really working that hard, I watched as this bonded group enjoyed each other's company. Now we are three, and we all get on really well. 

I got my paperwork done for my new job in the morning - which is a full time job in itself. 

The other two looked for work. We drank coffee. 

I went for a drink with one member of the team and her new husband - who is lovely. 

After work, I went and had my eyebrows sorted so I don't look like John Howard when I get my passport photos done in the next few days . The worst thing about getting your passport renewed is knowing you're going to be stuck with this photo in your passport for ten years. 

Then home, where Lucifer showed off his athletic prowess. After his normal welcome home cuddle, and being fed, he proceeded to hound me as I read in my reading chair. Repeatedly, he climbed up on the chair, then took a flying leap from the chair back, down onto the floor, if he was a flying fox. Then, on landing, he did a lap of the flat. Launch, fly, run, repeat. Mad animal. 

Dinner was at a pub in Windsor - the old Dream Group girls. It felt like a bit of a bad joke - A Liberal Support (Vivi), a Labor Supporter (Gloria) , A Greens Supporter (Rahrah), a public servant (Liza) and a corporate maggot (me) go out to dinner and talk politics, among other things. It was a laugh. We know each other well enough to not push too many buttons. 

And now I'm herem contemplating how I have to go and have my passport photos taken tomorrow. 

It's all to disturbing for words. 

But I heard this song in the pub. Thank goodness for Shazam - I've never know how to track this down. 

Today's song: 

1 comment:

  1. We love this song! On high rotation all the time. You’ll rock them!
