Tuesday, June 14, 2022

The Reset

 What can you do in 66 days?

Now my work situation is sorted out, it's time to sort out some crap - do a reset, up my game. 

So, as it is my birthday in 66 days, I want to get back into achiever mode, so I'm setting myself some goals for the next two months. 

1) Exercise

As of next Wednesday, I'm allowed to start lifting things over 5 kgs. So it's back to the gym. I want to be in the gym four times a week. I've missed it incredibly and need it for my sanity. Besides, I did a very light pump class on the weekend. I'm more than ready to get back to it. 

2) Diet

Over the past few weeks I've fallen off the diet waggon - I'll say that's thanks to surgery recovery  - but it's time to get back on track again. The other thing I'd like to to is have a vegetarian day once a week. I can't make myself go vegan - it goes against everything my body craves, but a day of being a vegetarian I can do easily. Maybe after my birthday I can do more. 

3) Throw out stuff

I need a big clean out here. I've started it, but I want to go further. Put some clothes on Facebook Marketplace, sent stuff to the salvos I never use. Make some room for more things. It needs to be done incrementally. But a lot can be done in two months. 

4) Renew my passport

My current one has just over six months left on it. I need this so I can be ready to travel. 

5)Write something other than this blog and work stuff.

My soul needs this too. 

6) Save some money

One of the great things about this new job is I'm back on a daily rate. The trick is to save the money I'm making above my current salary. Well, that is the plan. Besides. I want to save for maybe going on the Camino next year. 

I just need a reset. 

Today's song:

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