Sunday, June 5, 2022

Sunday Stealing: From Facebook

 It's been a quiet weekend. Movies, sleep ins, out with friends. And now it's 9 pm and I haven't done my Sunday Questions. Oops. 

As always Bev at Sunday Stealing has provided the questions. 

The best story your parents or grandparents tell about the good ole days.

My grandfather lived all over Australia, but he used to tell great stories of when he was a boy in the 1910's and the antics he and his brothers got up to. He liked relating the stories of his boyhood before the war came. It sounded pretty idyllic even if things were not great at home. 

The best things in life are...

a) Cats and dogs

b) Friends

c) Movies

d) Good kissers

e) free.

Things that drive me batty

a) People who don't use their indicators when driving.

b) People who are rude to servers

c) When the printer gets jammed. 

d) Meetings which are set after 2 pm on Friday. 

A place I'd like to live and why

I would love to live in New York for a year. I would mean I would have money and a good place in Manhattan to live in (dream on, they say) but I think you need a year to come to terms with New York - it's a proper big city. 

I've liven in London. I loved on a Greek Island. I would love to live in rural Britain for a bit. But I'd love to intimately get to know New York. 

The best thing I've ever found

Other than some self-esteem? Probably $50 on the footpath. 

The best thing that happened recently is...

Other than Australia has a new Federal Governent, and the old right wing religious nutbags have been kicked to the curb? I've got some time back after work being utterly cactus for months. 

I admire people who...

Actually stick to their plans and finish something. I'm forever berating myself for not having this book at least to first draft stage. 

What makes me special

I'm kind, loving and funny. Does that make me special?

I am looking forward to...

Strangely, I'm going on a date on Tuesday night. We're going to see something at the Rising Festival after work. Yes, he's an internet date - and he appears to be lovely and I think we've been getting on a treat. We have a mutual friend who we both speak highly of. But I'm looking forward to meething him, and I'm looking forward to the illuminations at the Rising Festival. (and if you haven't yet seen the Patricia Piccinini exhibition in the Flinders Street Station, go - it closes next weekend.) I'm looking forward to a pleasant evening - that is where my expectations have been set. Keeping it real. 

Things that scare me

1) Snakes

2) Huntsman spiders

3) Right wing politicians. 

Complaints I have

1) I can't go to the gym for another two weeks.

2) It's a bit cold. 

3) I wish my cat was cuddlier. Oh well, I can always go and cuddle Blarney and Barney's cats...

I could never live without...

Books, film and theatre, and friends. 


  1. I always wanted to love New York, but it's entirely too busy for me. It truly IS the town that never sleeps.

    Hope your date goes well.

  2. I'm actually excited about your change in government, even though I'm in the US

  3. I've never been to New York - it is on my bucket list (and I live in the U.S.!) I enjoyed reading your answers today!
