Saturday, June 4, 2022

Too old for this shit

 Yesterday was a bit of a strange day. A long one, but one filled with many emotions I wasn't expecting to feel. 

After leaving the house at 7.45, I went to my favourite Jewish cafe in Caulfield (Cafe D'Lish - it's seriously awesome) for breakfast with my old work husband Dave, and his delightful 5-year-old daughter. Dave and I haven't caught up in a while. His child was beautifully behaved and a sweet little thing. On top of being really happy to be having one of Izzy's superb almond decaf lattes and a serve of latke and lox (potato fritters not unlike roti with smoked salmon, poached eggs and some horseradish cream - AMAZING) it was a great start to the day. 

This was followed by a funeral for an old friend's mother. I'm glad I went, even though the morning took the stuffing out of me. It's the facing of your own mortality which gets you the most. Knowing that one day, you will be the one out the front in the box. My friend has lot both of her parents in the last year, it was important to be there for her. The service related the life of a vibrant loving woman, with a great sense of fun and a love for her family. I sat up the back with a friend of her's who she had known for over 50 years. Cancer is such a bastard of a thing. I'm glad I took the morning off to go along. 

Once home, and after trying to work without much luck for the rest of the afternoon, it was time to get ready for the big work shindig. After primping, preening, putting on a cocktail dress, tights and my Doc Martens (because according to Jimmy Rees I'm having a mid-life crisis - but I just think they're more comfortable than heels.) Went in on the tram, checked my mail box on the way there, then walked up the road to the back of the GPO to the function room. 

How is it that people find it fun when 1)  You're in a room, all dressed up and it's so noisy you can't hear yourself think? 2) You're being plied with cheap alcohol? 3) You have to be nice to people you generally flip the bird to when your camera is off in zoom meetings. 4) The finger food is mostly fried and not that plentiful? 5) It's the middle of winter, the only place you can hear yourself think is out with the smokers. Thankfully my red wrap is warm. I tried vaping last night. No thanks. Once is enough. 

After two hours, saying hi to those required, I made my excuses and left - stone cold sober and my back beginning to ache. Seriously, I'm too old for this shit. 

A quick tram trip home, and I was happy once again. 

It was a big day. 

I slept nine hours last night. I'm hoping I'm not coming down with something. 

Today's song: 

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