Sunday, June 12, 2022

Sunday Stealing: Unconcious Mutterings

 I'm doing this on Saturday Night, because it's a long weekend and I am bit of a sad creature. The way I look at this, do a job, do a question, and I might get my house looking a bit better. At least I got a good walk in today - 1.5 hours around the place. I'm going back into the gym for a very light Pump class for the first time in a month tomorrow morning. It will be strange only using a 2.5 kg bar. Before my operation I was using a 20 kilogram bar for my squat track. 

Oh well...

Questions supplied, as always, by Bev at Sunday Stealing. 

There are no right or wrong answers. Don't limit yourself to one word responses; just say everything that pops into your head.

I say ... and you think ... ?

    Hurry! :: And I think that I am going to miss the tram. No matter what time I get to the tram stop, the tram always passed by in the two minutes prior. I should hurry more to the tram. Then again, you rarely win timing it just right. 

(Job one - Iron something)

    Dumb :: Putting Peter Dutton in as the leader of the Liberal National Party (think the Republicans in American, the right-wing conservatives) and thinking that he's going to go all touchy-feely and change his spots. Not going to happen. 

(Job two: Deal with the cat's litter box)

    Fudge :: Something you eat on holidays and regret after. They have a great fudge shop in Akaroa, just out of Christchurch, New Zealand - love the stuff, but I always feel a bit sick after. 

(Job three: Iron something else)

    Sturdy :: Sensible shoes. Also a term for thick set women. 

(Job four: Iron the tea towels (dish cloths)

    Printing :: Something we used to do, but now do as little as possible - when the printer is working that is. 

(Job five: Iron t-shirts)

    Itch :: Rocky Horror - Toucha Toucha Touch me song. 

(Job six: Do the dishes)

    Creaks :: My ankles first thing in the morning. They creak a bit. Thankfully, they don't hurt. 

(Job seven: Iron pyjamas)

    Paste :: What American's call glue. What strange kids sit up the back of the classroom and eat. 

(Job eight: Iron favourite top)

    Waste of time :: Peter Dutton. Playing games on your phone. Mopping (the floors are only going to get dirty again. 

(Job nine: Iron the last of the tops)

    Let down :: I was told this week that my work isn't extending my contract. Thankfully, I have found myself anothe job, but there is a part of me that is a bit let down that I didn't get to turn down this extension of the contract. I know it's petty of me - and I'm truly grateful that I've been working for this company for the last two and a half years, but over the last six months, they have burned me out. It was just a bit of a moral victory I was looking forward to. 

(Job ten: Iron the last item in the pile - ironing done)

    Cancellation :: Wasn't most of the last two years one big cancellation. I'm trying to keep myself healthy and free from COVID so I don't have to cancel next weekend, when I'm heading down the Great Ocean Road for a few days for a writer's retreat/ 

(Job eleven: Clean up under my desk)

    Suspect ::  I suspect I am never going to be forgiven for forgetting about meditation this morning, only to be texted, and doing the meditation from the comfort of my bed, complete with the cat curled up between my knees, instead of sitting up and being in front of my laptop. I genuinely forgot about this after my hairdresser cancelled on me this morning. Oh well. 

(Job twelve: Shred the remnants of paper found under my desk)

    Fireplace :: I wish I could be in front of one at the moment. I love an open fire.

(Job thirteen: Have a shower, It's getting late)

    Spring :: Is a solid three months away. Don't bring it up - I'm enjoying winter.

(Job fourteen: Moisturise)

    Commute :: Something I'm glad I don't do often, and when I do, it's a short one. Working from home three days a week is good. The fact that my current office is a half an hour away, door to door, even better - and this is by public transport - is an absolute godsend. It's a big reason I live where I do. 

(Job fifteen: Braid my hair ready for bed)

    Places :: So many to go to, so little time and money to get to them. I have to get a new passport before I do this. The old one is six months out from expory. 

(Job sixteen: Replace the J-cloth between my bathroom sink and the shower).

    Fraud :: It happens far too often. Particularly with identity theft. 

(Job seventeen: Feed the cat treats. He's annoying me.)

    Adoption :: There probably should be more of it - even though there's a troubling legacy for some people. In Australia, very few children are put up for adoption - and they need more foster parents. 

(Job eighteen: Clean teeth)

    Election :: I'm very proud of the fact that I live in a country where voter fraud is all but non-existent. We vote using pen and paper. The elections are organised by a centralised Federal body. Everything is triple scrutinised by numerous scrutineers . We also don't have an Electoral College, which to me makes as much sense as a fish owning a bicycle. And we have a preportional representational system. It's fair, transparent and ensures validity. 

(Job nineteen: Boil the kettle allowing me to get my hot water bottle ready for bed)

    Moving day :: I can't think of anything worse. 

(Job twenty: Set the alarm and a reminder that I'm talking to Reindert in Colorado tomorrow morning)

And you can now see what a loser I am, seeing my list of jobs being done on a Saturday night. 

Off to bed now. 

Today's song: (in honour of me being such a loser on a Saturday night).


  1. Sorry about your job.
    And more sorry that we in the US do have the Electoral College.

  2. I love that you answered a question/prompt and did a job! I am sorry about your job!!

  3. I’m impressed that you iron your tea towels and teeshirts. Hope your new job doesn’t burn you.
