Saturday, June 11, 2022

Theatre Review: The Sound Inside

 Play: The Sound Inside

Theatre: The Fairfax Studio, The Arts Centre

Company: Melbourne Theatre Company

Stars: 4

Until 2 July.

I normally go into MTC plays wondering what I'm to be presented with, normally not reading about what the play will be about. It helps to keep expectations down and let's you have some surprises. Overall, I enjoyed this, but I can see how this would not be everybody's cup of tea. There's a lot to unpack in the play's 90 minutes, the two actors doing a great job with the material. 

This is a writer's play - very much so. Bella Baird (Catherine McClements) is a middle aged Professor at an Ivy League college in America. She lives a buttoned down life, teaching, writing and generally living her quietly. Then things change. A big diagnosis and a new student, Christopher (Shiv Palekar) shake up her life to the core. 

The MTC website describes the play as such: "When the brash and enigmatic Christopher barges into the office of acclaimed author Bella Baird, the two misfits find in each other an unexpected intellectual match. Over the ensuing weeks, the young man breaks down Bella’s defences and a tentative friendship forms. But will it be strong enough to withstand an impossible choice?"

I can't say much more about what happens in this intense two-hander as it would ruin the overall effect of the play. Adam Rapp's script is tight, funny and thought-provoking. As I said before, this is very much a writer's play, with a lot of in jokes if you're a writer. But it's also a play about the predicaments we find ourselves in - and how we view life when we're older - and what we can do about changing. Both characters find themselves with an impossible choice. From the instance Christopher steps on the stage, you have no idea where this play is going. 

Catherine McClements and Shiv Palekar's are solid, believable and give credence to the reasonably heavy material. Sarah Goodes' direction is calm, driving the play forward. The set is minimal, being in the Fairfax Studio, making the best of the circular stage, although there have been questions about the snow that starts to fall from the middle of play. Personally, I didn't mind it - other's found it unnecessary. 

As much as I enjoyed this, it's not a must see, but it is another solid offering from the MTC. The season so far has been excellent. 

Today's song: 

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