Wednesday, August 3, 2022

To be continued

I’ve been out.

I've been out for a lovely dinner at the delightful Tutto Bene with my friend KiKi. 

And then, for the second time, I saw The Picture of Dorian Gray at the Arts Centre. This time, from central seat in the nosebleed section (The Dress Circle)

I don't want to rush this review. 

I've just treated myself to a cab home seeing there were cabs at the rank and I managed to miss the footy traffic. 

But really, I don't want to rush the review on this magnificent performance. Even if it is closing on Sunday, I want to the review justice - and you can't do this when there's a large black cat clawing at your leg wanting some attention. 

Let's just say, it was a fantastic night out.

And I'll write about the delights of young Dorian tomorrow. 

Night night. 

Today's song

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