Thursday, August 4, 2022

Five observations

Observation one:

Petrol is down to around $1.67 per litre. 

I filled up about a week ago and I thought I was doing well to get fuel at $2.05 a litre. I will never understand how petrol is priced in this country. It's a real pick and mix - and how can it be nearly fifty cents a litre cheaper from ten days ago? It's mind-boggling. 

Observation two: 

I am talking myself out of things. 

Case in point. There's a showing of Good Luck to You, Leo Grande at the Nova on Sunday night. I'm desperate to see this film, partly because it's got Emma Thompson in it, and secondly, it's fabulous knowing that there's a film about women's sexuality in middle age. It's being released in a few weeks, but part of me wants to see this now! Looking around, there's also a Girl's Night Out Session next Wednesday at Victoria Gardens. I like my Friday nights. I don't like Carlton - or more to the point, I hate parking in Carlton. It's enough to stop you doing things. 

Observation three: 

I'm proud today I was the fifth day in a row I've done proper exercise. 

So it's been: 

  • Sunday - Pump
  • Monday - A session with Cleo
  • Tuesday - BodyJam - the dancing fridge returned. 
  • Wednesday - online stretch and cardio for an hour
  • Tonight - Another session with Cleo
And I feel great for this. 

Observation four: 

I'm pondering travel in January too much. 

So I booked a ticket to see Michael Sheen in Amadeus in January. 
The following day, Geetangeli gets in contact inviting me over the New Zealand to help celebrate her 30th Wedding Anniversary. 


So, I've got a few things to do. See if I can change my ticket (although Jay said she'd take on my ticket if I can't change it). Then work out how to get to New Zealand, and how long I should stay for. The party is on the third weekend in January. Do I go in the week before, maybe get a hire car and visit some places I haven't been  - like Dunedin, Queenstown etc? Or do I go for a long weekend? Flights are still a bit expensive, but as I missed her wedding all of those years ago - and I haven't see her or Bob for a couple of years now (we used to meet up in Sydney fairly regularly) I really want to go. 

Observation five: 

Why do people pay with cheques?

And why does the bank machine where you can bank the cheque take some and not others?

Needless to say, I have to go into a branch to bank a cheque tomorrow. Not something I really want to do, but it gives me something to do at lunchtime. I just wish some people would learn to use internet banking. 

Today's song: 

1 comment:

  1. I always read your blog but today I’m confused you are usually very decisive…
    PS I agree about Carlton but I always end up parking in the car park next to the old RWH.
