Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Destination Southland

Some things that have made me happy today. 

1. Watching Brett Sutton Bhangra dance - Brett Sutton can do no wrong normally on a bad day, but Brett Sutton Bhangra dancing is about as hot as the All Blacks doing the Haka. 

2. I finished the book  group book with an hour to spare and I really liked it. (Madeleine Ryan's  A Room Called Earth)

3. Scott Morrison made even more of a plonker of himself. Schadenfreude is a taste best enjoyed cold. 

4. And I've finished the back of my new jumper that I've been knitting. Knocked that off during book group. 

5. I got thinking about a holiday I will hopefully be taking in January. I love considering holiday plans. 

So, where did I arrive at my holiday plans?

Well, my friend Geetangeli is having a party for her 30th wedding anniversary in January. The event will be held in Christchurch on the third weekend in January, where she lives. As I didn't make her wedding, I think it prudent that I turn up to this shindig. Geetangeli and I have been good friends since 1987. 

Then I look at the calendar and see there is a public holiday around this time, so it will be a four day work week after then party. 

And I looked at the ticket prices and trips to Christchurch aren't as cheap as they used to be. And I do have a passport now, which is a good thing, and as I haven't had a proper holiday in 3 years (the last time I went away was in November 2019, and that was to India, and that wasn't really relaxing). 

So I'm looking at this trip. Get to Christchurch the day or so before the party. Need to talk to Geetangeli. Like me, she's a planner. We'll work our what her requirements are going to be.

And as I'm out of contract at that stage, I don't have to negotiate with work for the time off (though I'll mention it to my boss as soon as they look to extending, if that happens).

And do I need to wear my salwaar kameez to this shindig, or is it going to be a more Western Cocktail dress. And will she have room at the inn at her place or will I need to find nearby accommodation - no worries either way. But it's a consideration. 

And then there is the plan. What next?

Well, I love to drive. 

Well, I want to go to Dunedin. I was there in 1986 - I want to go again and see if it is remarkable as I remember it. There are places on the way down I can visit in my trusty hire car (about $500 for 8 days - though the price of petrol in New Zealand is pretty awful). The Moeraki Boulders is high on the list.

A day in Dunedin to have a look around is on the cards. 

Then I have to look at the driving and the what I want to see and find a route around which has me driving not much more than four hours a day.

Invercargill has some draw, just because it's the most Southern tip of New Zealand and it's fun to say that you've been to the bottom of a country. When I get back to Cornwall, I want to go to Lizard Point, just to say I've been there. 

There's Te Anau - and Milford Sound. I'm not sure I appreciated it as well as I would now than when I was a teenager. 

And of course - a day or two in in Queenstown - because I want to have a Fergberger, which everybody talks about. It's also one of the most gorgeous places I've ever been to - and I have an old colleague who lives there - I can probably have dinner with her one night at a push. 

Then back to Christchurch and home.

There's so many places I could go. Up the West Coast - which is an amazing place. I took the train from Christchuch to Greymouth last time I was there, but I've never driven it. Up the top around Marlborough and Nelson, there are some great wineries to explore. So many places, so little time. 

But we've got a loose plan. And yes, I expect I'll be doing this alone - but I'm used to that too. I'm good with travelling by myself. You meet people on the journey

And the cat sitter is tentatively booked. Rather than going to Blarney and Barney's place, I've asked Teddie if she is available to come and stay with his Lordship. He'll be happier in his own home seeing I'll be gone for over a week. 

It's so nice to get excited about travelling again. 

Today's song:

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