Monday, August 15, 2022

Book group - ARGH

 So it's book group tomorrow night. 

I thought it was next Tuesday. 

The book is Madelaine Ryan's A Room Called Earth. 

As of last night I hadn't started it, thinking I had another week to get it read. 

So yeah.

I'm 100 pages into it now, and quite enjoying it. It's different, unusual, and very truthful. Can't ask for much more than thank. 

Today was spent at work, doing the work, and sneaking off to read the odd chapter - which are all mercifully short. 

But I will do my darndest to get this read by 8 pm tomorro night. All 288 pages of it. 

It's a challenge. 

I'm just thankful I have a job where I can read for five minutes each hour. 

Today's song: 

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