Sunday, August 14, 2022

Sunday Stealing: Magical Journal

The neighbours can't decide if they are having a doof-doof party or not. Sometimes we get doof-doof, sometimes not. Oh well. Keeps me awake and lets me do my weekly questions, which were provided, as always by Bev at Sunday Stealing. Interestingly enough, this comes from something Elizabeth Gilbert has produced. Her book, Big Magic, is wonderful. 

1. What’s the best beach or lake day you can remember?

I remember as a child going down to the beach late in the afternoon - Silver Sands beach. We'd often go down when it was still hot, then play beach cricket, using the esky lid (think cooler box, Americans) as the wicket and and old tennis ball. If you hit the ball into the sea, it's six and out. It would have still been around 30 degrees centigrade as the sun went down. And thinking about this, the rules of cricket will make no sense to the Americans, but think of it as what we play rather than your American Football (which makes absolutely no sense to me.)

2. Describe your ideal picnic lunch

One with no flies or ants. Decend provisions. Lots of wet wipes. Using the local parks barbeques is always good. 

3. What flowers are in your bouquet?

Roses. I love roses. Not that I've ever had a bouquet made for any occasions. I don't think about flowers. 

4. Silly ways to pass the time during a snowstorm

As it doesn't snow here, this is a very moot point. But I've been known to ride out rain events  by putting on gumboots and dancing in the rain. 

5. The most beautiful house you’ve ever visited.

Alnwick Castle in England. Not only is it a castle, but it's also a working household. It's an incredible place - find below JWM Turner's view of it. It's an amazing place. Hampton Court Palace was pretty incredible too. 

6. Best place you ever dined.

High end, that would be Vue de Monde. It's an amazing restaurant in Melbourne that sits on top of one of the tallest buildings in the city, and their degustation menu is incredible.

But there are some great good places that I love:

  • the bagel bakery down West End Lane in West Hampstead was fantastic. 
  • Street vendor samosas in Varanasi
  • Oh, the Persian Fairy Floss sundaes at this South African restaurant in Glen Huntly.
  • Bahn Mi from down the road on Victoria Street
  • the Dry Chilli Beef in spicy sauce at the Vinh Ky down the road on Victoria Street (Ambrosial)
Food is about experience. The good stuff doesn't have to be high end. 

7. How many layers to your ice cream sandwich

Just the one. Do they come in any other way?

8. Pretty things which are faux patent leather

Shoes. I don't own anything in patent leather. Scratch that, I have a cool pair of shoes made of fake patent leather. They're pret

ty cool. 

9. What is the best way to eat chocolate.

At night and slowly. I also love good hot chocolates. The ones they make at Damon Bradley are legendary. 

10. Describe your unicorn’s special magic

My unicorn's special magic - this questions is beyond me... sorry. 

11. All the fruits in your fruit salad

I love making fruit salad - it's my go to summer dessert. I like putting in the following fruits. Lychees, dried apricots and cranberries, peaches, mangoes, strawberries, apples and oranges. The only thing I never put in my fruit salads are bananas. I don't like bananas. 

12. Describe the soil, grass, trees, flowers and rocks in your magical forest.

Another question I don't really get - or maybe I'm just not in the mood to get. Next. 

13. The lyrics which move you the most are:

Unexpected soppy ones always get me. My Funny Valentine moves me to tears every time I hear it. 

14. What are the best sauces in the world?

I'm going through a Chilli Oil patch at the moment. Glorious stuff. But I'm also a slave to Tomato Sauce (Ketchup to you Americans) and decent barbeque sauce.

15. Write a haiku about nature

Tell me of the wind

Where does it come from, and why

Must it ruin your hair?

Today's song: 


  1. Loved your haiku. I also think your fruit salad would be delicious....but it DOES need bananas.

    Re unicorns and gardens, you and I are both fantasy-deprived.

  2. Street vendor food - what a splendid suggestion!
