Monday, September 19, 2022

Scooter Insanity

 Driving to the gym the other morning I spotted this small piece of insanity as I waited at the lights. 

Crossing the road in front of me were a couple of teenagers on those green e-scooters which are littering the streets of Melbourne. 

Were they wearing helmets? Of course not. How often do you see people riding these scooters with a helmet. Huh?

And were there more than one person on these e-scooters. No - for a change there was just one. I've seen these scooters with two and three people on them regularly. It appears these monstrosities are the new Ubers. 

Now, I've seen everything. Not only were these two kids riding these scooters without a helmet, they were also sitting on BEER KEGS! It's 9 in the morning and these kids are riding on scooters sitting on beer kegs.

I'm just asking myself why? And how safe is this? And are the kegs full or empty (odds on they're empty)

And I rounded the intersection with a very sick sense in my stomach. 

How is this safe?

Or am I just getting old? (Say's she who's been taken home in a shopping trolley in the past. Maybe beer kegs on e-scooters is the new shopping trolley experience.)

Today's song: 


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