Sunday, September 18, 2022

Sunday Stealing: Staying Up Late

It's a wet weekend here and I'm waiting for break in the weather to go see Blarney's cats. It's a good time to get this done. 

Questions supplied by Bev and Kwizgiver at Sunday Stealing

Do you have any Pepto-Bismol in your house? 

I think Pepto-Bizmol is an American thing. I think equivalent here in Australia is either Gaviscon or Mylanta - if it's like an antacid / stomachic, then yes, I have some in the house. 

Do you have a favorite flavor of vodka? 

Vodka is vodka - I prefer the normal, non-flavoured vodka.

Is your backyard big enough to fit a trampoline? ...and then some.

I live in a flat. I don't have a balcony, let alone a back yard. And no so children, so why would I need a trampoline? 

When was the last time you had eggs? 

This morning.

How often do you blow dry your hair, and what color is your blow dryer?

I blow dry my hair probably once a month. My hairdryer is black.  

Have you ever gone to bed later than three AM? 

Of course I have. I was young once. I attended unversity. 

Have you been to a surprise party before? 

Not that I can recollect. 

What is your least favorite month? 

Either January or February. It's mid summer and I don't like it too hot.  

Have you ever gone to see a movie the day it came out? 

Plenty of times. I'm a movie buff. I remember seeing the Harry Potter movies on the day they came out. 

Do you like movies/books about drugs, and why or why not? 

I don't mind them. It's always interesting to see how other people live and the struggles they go through. Wild by Cheryl Strayed comes to mind as a great one. Trainspotting by Irvine Welsh another. 

Do you have scrap paper by your computer desk? 

Of course. Always need to jot things down. 

Have you ever kept a bag from a store because you liked it? 

I have a couple of canvas book bags from Dymocks (a book store chain over here ) which I use as handbags. Love them. And nobody is going to rip a shopper off your arm like the mugger did with my handbag a few years ago. 

Was the last thing you drank carbonated?

I have a glass of chilled fizzy water in front of me at the moment. 

Do you own any yellow clothing?

I think I have a pair of yellow socks. Oh hang on, I have a mustard coloured print dress I wear a lot in summer. It's not a bright yellow, bit it is yellow. It gets a lot of compliments.

Last person you argued with?

Not so much an argument but some difficult words with some members of the Masons this this morning about the difficulties running the building. As soon as the AGM is over I will not be running the building any more. 

Today's song: 


  1. Perfect song choice!

    I also have some mustard-ish items, I forgot about them until I read your answer.

  2. Loved reading your answers. Have a great Sunday!

  3. Of COURSE you were up until 3 a.m. at university!

  4. I found Wild to be a difficult read. Mostly I couldn't get over how ignorant she was before she left on that trip, and totally unprepared to do it, I think. Plus I have my own demons (who doesn't, eh?).
