Saturday, September 17, 2022

Theatre Review: Come From Away

The Production: Come From Away

Where: The Comedy Theatre

Until: 16 October unless extended

Stars: 5

I don't normally like musicals, but I adore Come From Away, and this was the third or fourth time I've seen this.

It doesn't get old. 

For those who don't know about the story of the show, it's simple. It's 9/11. American airspace is closed to all planes for close on a week and those people in the air on international flights were diverted to the nearest airport. More than 35 planes were diverted to Gander, Newfoundland, Canada. What used to be a refuelling stop in trans-Atlantic flights was now a veritable ghost town of around 9000 people. Overnight, with the human cargo of these planes, the town's numbers swelled to nearly 15000. 

And the people of Gander took all of this in their stride, took the people in, treated them with kindness and compassion and made friends with many of the "Plane People". Over the five days, they fed, clothed, medicated, counselled and befriended these people stuck on an island basically on the edge of nowhere. 

This is a musical about generosity and kindess and the human spirit. 

It's also fun, funny, high energy, touching and sweet. Each cast member plays a Townie and a Plane Person, providing different perspectives and Gander grapples with a diverse mob of people with different needs, religions, back grounds and viewpoints. And as the Ganderites keep saying, what else were they supposed to do? People would do the same if the circumstances came their way. 

Of the Melbourne cast, in this new production, it feels like there's about half the cast who were in the pre-COVID run, and a lot of newbies. And it's still great. As our of my friends said on the way out, the theatre may have been half full, but it didn't feel like it. The curtain calls were loud and enthusiastic. 

I wont say any more than this. If you've not seen this gem, get a ticket and give it a go. If you've been before, go again. It will restore your faith in the human race.

Having seen this four times now, seeing it again in a few weeks won't go astray. It's just that wonderful and I won't have anything bad said against this little diamond that has stolen my heart. 

Today's song: 

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