Friday, September 23, 2022

Steptember Check In

 With a week left on the Steptember challenge, I'm pleased to say I will go above and beyond the required 300,000 steps I set out to do at the start of the month. 

As of this evening, I've done 287,000 steps - which when you think about it, is a bit of an achievement. 

What's even better, I'm enjoying the commitment to this challenge. Take today for example. It was a day of knitting and selling stuff on Facebook Marketplace (I'm getting rid of a heap of stuff I don't need - and it is wonderful) and having a quiet one. At about five thirty I looked at my steps - 2000 for the day. So the trainers were slapped on and I did a big circle of Richmond, taking in Church Street, Bridge Road, along the river, a quick trip to the supermarket, then home. I was up to 12000 steps when I got home - feeling a lot better for the schlep. 

Another good way of accumulating steps is Annie's cardio class - which unfortunately will be stopping next week  as she'll be taking a well earned break. Her half-hour tabata cardio class, which has you lunging, skating, squatting  - you name it. I came away with another 2000 steps in my Apple watch. It's a good hack to know. 

But with a week to spare, I reckon I'm going to try and see if I can make 400,000 steps for the month. 

I like the challenge. 

If you'd like to sponsor me, click here. Proceeds go towards assisting those with Cerebral Palsy. 

Today's song:

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