Saturday, September 24, 2022

The alternative

Geelong supporters will disagree with me, but that was a bloody boring Grand Final. Seriously, a complete snooze-fest. (Not helped by not caring a fig who won - absolutely no investment in the game).

I did my normal trick when it comes to the footy. I met Blarney and Barney at the pub. At half time. Why prolong the boredom?

I sat down, ordered a pot of cider and started to watch the match. 

After five minutes, I decided to put the time to better use. 

I got out my knitting. I took my glasses off so I couldn't see the big screen clearly. Why bother seeing the game clearly. It was apparent it was going to be a walkover from the end of the first quarter. 

Other than a couple of semi-inebraited Cats supporters in front of us loving every minute of the game, nobody was cheering. Nobody appeared to care. What was the point in being there?

Photo credit @pandorabehr. Note Lance the Unit showing his disgust. 

In my defence, I can get into the football. When the Crows are playing, I'm good at shouting that the telly. I attend the Hawks vs Crows games when they're played in Melbourne with Barney and Norty (Although I sometimes bring a book). I'm known to yell for Collingwood at the annual ANZAC Day match because I barrack for the Crows and whoever is playing Essendon (Hate Essendon with a passion - arrogant drug cheats). 

So I spent the third quarter of the game talking to Blarney and Barney knitting. It was pretty obvious Sydney weren't going to show up to the match. 

One guy came up to me at three quarter time and asked if really was that boring, pointing at my knitting. 

I had to smile and nod.

We left the pub as the fourth quarter was commencing, checking the final score when we got back to theirs about ten minutes later. There was no point staying. It wasn't going to get any better. 

Barney turned on the Bledisloe Cup. I got my knitting out after the only interesting bit of the rugby. The Haka. Gotta love the Haka. 

And I went home at half time. That wasn't looking promising either. (It wasn't, the Wobblies got drubbed). 

There might just be a pattern going on here. 

On the good side of things, I've nearly finished this sleeve. 

Today's song:

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