Sunday, September 25, 2022

Sunday Stealing: Trapped in a Room

 It's been a big day. Masons days are already big days. Days when you give somebody their third degree, evne more so. So I'm knackered. 

Questions, as always, provided by Bev and Kwizgiver at Sunday Stealing. (Bev's computer is on the fritz)

1. If you were trapped in a room with the person who asked this for 24 hours, what would you do? The answer cannot be romantic or sexual. 

I have no idea what's being asked here. Being locked in a room with anybody sounds like complete torture. Next. 

2. If you could learn any language instantly, what would it be? 

I would love to be fluent in French (if not Spanish). My French is reasonable, but I wish I got to practice more. 

3. If you could only read one book for the rest of your life, what would it be? 

Controversial opinion, but I'd probably pick up James Joyce's Ulysses. I've only been trying to read it for 30 years... but again, this sounds like torture too. 

4. Favorite song lyric? 

"Throw down your guns, don't be so Reckless."

I love that whole song. 

5. Favorite album? 

One of the following - and that depends on the day:

  • The Pixies - Surfer Rosa
  • Sting - Ten Summoner's Tales
  • Alt-J - An Awesome Wave
  • Simon and Garfunkel - Bridge Over Troubled Water or Bookends

6. Which time of day would you say is best for you work-wise?

Strangely between about 3-5. I seem to be able to concentrate best then. 

7. What do you think people assume about you from first glance?

I try not to think about that as I've spent years in therapy trying to not worry about what people think about me. I know that I get approached by charity muggers regularly, so I imagine they think I look friendly. 

8. Favorite city that you haven’t visited? 

San Francisco. Seattle. Bilbao. Tokyo. Vancouver. 

9. If you received $10,000 but had to give it away, what would you do with it? 

Probably give it to a Leukaemia charity. I give a bit to that one. If not to Fred Hollows or Catherine Hamlin Fistula Charities. Maybe I'd divvy up the money between the three of them. 

10. What is one book you wish you could get all your friends to read? 

Up until yesterday I'd probably say Louis de Bernieres Captain Corelli's Mandolin - it's always been a favourite. But I finished Julia Baird's Phospherenscence yesterday and was bowled over for it. As a non-fiction book it's amazing. 

11. What is one movie you wish you could get all your friends to watch? 

The Princess Bride - no scrap that, all of my friends have seen The Princess Bride. You can't be my friend if you haven't seen The Princess Bride. This week I'd be telling my friends to watch one of my English films. Either A Royal Night Out or The King's Speech. Both are wonderful. 

12. If you could create one thing, what would it be?

An automatic cat fluff piucker upper. Some would call that a Roomba. My house is too messy for a roomba. 

13. If you could play any musical instrument, what would it be? 

I've always wanted to play the piano. I wish I had the time to learn it now. 

14. What is your favorite item of clothing?

My black dress with cherries on it. It's gorgeous. A bit 50s. Very unlike me. 

15. What is your favorite card/board game? 

Cards Against Humanity. I'm not really into board games, but that one is good fun. Very funny. 

Today's song:


  1. I had a Roomba after we got the house tiled. Four cats and one dog's worth of hair defeated it. It was an expensive lesson.

  2. Aww--you'd be locked in a room with me for 24 hours! ;) I'm filling in for Bev while her computer's being repaired.
