Monday, September 26, 2022

In the Doghouse, Again

 Cats, by nature, are creatures of habit, and Lucifer, being a cat, is no exception. 

Some of Lucifer's quirks include:

  • Sleeping most of the day under his crochetted blanket
  • Impaling me on one claw when he wants a treat or attention (same thing I think)
  • Coming to my 9 am Monday Morning meeting. 
  • Rolling over and presenting his tummy, only so I can rub it and so we can have a play fight.
  • After which he goes back to his blanket on the bed. 
Yesterday, after finding the charming bugger had thrown up on his blanket at some stage, I put it through the wash. Then, while it was on the line, I discovered that the cat is going through the motions of destroying said blanket. So, instead of putting the blanket back on the bed once dry, I left it on the couch, ready for some mending. 

Now, Lucifer knows that if I take the blanket away from the bed, more than likely, he's going to be going somewhere - whether that be Aunty Blarney and Uncle Barney's place, or back to Nanny in Myponga. He doesn't like this much at all, but as I keep telling him, it's better than being sent to cat jail. 

The other thing that happened yesterday was some springs went on my couch. No idea why. It's a sturdy couch and maybe my fat arse got too much for it. But some of  the springs have come away from the frame. I upended the couch to have a look. These springs had ripped through the matting which keeps everything tidy.  After trytng to fix it, I called a friend and he's coming around this week to make some repairs to the springs. My hands don't have the strength to get them back in place. 

As for the rip in the bottom of the couch, the small black creature spotted this. The small black creature thought this was great. This morning, after breakfast, the small black arsehole of a cat climbed up into the couch through the hole and did not come out all day!  He's lived with me for over two and a half years and never done this. He normally spends the day asleep on the bed. He gets regular cuddles from my during the day to break up the monotony of working from home. (He also gets very sooky if I go out for more than half an hour, showering me with love when I get back.)

This cat saw there was a hole in the matting and he took his chances. 

Despite calling him, shaking his treats at him, sitting on the couch (he was up in the back, it appears, which is pretty sturdy, so he wasn't sat upon) he remained in the dark cavern of the couch. 

He's got a history of doing this. When he went to Blarney and Barney's one time, he spent two days in the base of a Jason recliner - only coming out to eat and poo. 

We can't have this around here. 

At lunchtime, I went and bought some duct tape. 

After work, with the cat still inside the couch, I upended the it again, with two objectives. Firstly, to get the cat out of the couch. Secondly, so I could use the duct tape to patch up the holes. 

Needless to say, the cat was not happy being evicted from his hidey hole (No animals were hurt in this manouevre - okay, maybe his pride was a little dented.)

And we will see what goes from here. 

So far, he's upchucked his dinner. He's been demanding treats. When he gets his belly rubs, his snort of disapproval has been loud (He's very cute when he does that. It's an almost human "Hmmph" sound that he makes). 

While I was at the gym, I told Jay about all this. She reckons he's going to do a Shawshank Redemption and start picking away at the duct tape to get back into the couch. 

For the moment, he's back on his blanket, giving me side eye when I got in for a pat and a cuddle. Don't be surprised if he kills me in my sleep. 

Here's hoping I'll be here to write tomorrow.

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