Tuesday, September 27, 2022


One of today's tasks was to create an avatar of myself for some corporate webpage. As somebody who hates being photographed and being easily triggered when my photo is on the internet, I'm a bit more comfortable with the idea of an avatar to represent me. 

We were give a website to go to (bitmoji.com) given some basic instructions. 

It wasn't hard. The day itself had had some challenges. I was looking forward to a Bahn Mi for lunch, only to find my closest decent Vietnamese bakery was closed and the other two decent ones had long queues coming out of them. (the closest bakery to home isn't great and their Bahn Mi aren't a patch on the ones down the road). 

So I login to this site and follow the instructions.

Thing is, I don't have a bloody clue what I look like. 

Sure, hair is easy. My long curly mop was catered for. Even the baleage in my ends I could do. 

My eyes are dark green. Fine - but their shape? I couldn't see an almond shape in the options - but are my eyes close set, or way set or normal? I don't know. 

Then the nose. IT's been described as a snout. It's also been described as a downhill ski run, the tip being raised. Again, I don't know. 

And the options didn't do double chins. And don't ask me what my face shape is. Sort of oval? I don't know. 

There was a make up option. I put some red lippy on, gave myself a heavier set body with big boobs. 

Oh, and they had no Harry Potter glasses option. These were the best I could find. 

And this is what they came up with. 

It will have to do. 

Today's song: 

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