Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Steptember Check In - Two days to go

 With two days to go, it appears I've gone a little bit above and beyond on this Steptember Challenge. 

I signed up to do a minimum of 10000 steps a day. Going by how things have been going, I'll have an average of 12,000 steps a day, clocking over 360,000 for the month of September. 

Am I surprised? Yes. 

Am I proud of myself? Yes. 

That I've raised a bit over $360 for the Cerebral Palsy Alliance - I'm stoked about that. 

There's two more days of the challenge. I'm working from the office tomorrow, with a training session after work. 

Friday I'll make sure I get my steps in. 

Hopefully, as of 1 October the steps will keep coming. 10000 steps a day is not a stretch. If I was still running, I could be doing a lot more, but this is a bloody good effort.

Tomorrow, work is doubling any donations, so if you feel like donating, it would be a good day to do it.

The link to my fundraising page can be found here.

Today's song:

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