Thursday, September 29, 2022

Things that have made me smile today

 I'm too tired to write at then moment, but here are a few things that put a smile on my face today. 

1) I created avatars for most of my team - with a great deal of success. 

Everybody had the right for refusal, but the team were happy. Here's what mine looks like. I got the hair and lipstick right anyway. 

2) I've got my 12,000 steps in for the day. One more day of the challenge. I should have done 360,000 steps over the month of September. I've impressed myself. You can still sponsor me. The link to my sponsorshp page can be found here

3) Somebody is coming over tomorrow to fix my couch. At a reasonable price. Better fixed now that never. And it can be done while I'm at home. 

4) I walked in on the cat having a wank tonight. He's a tripper. It makes him happy - I just left the room and let him at it. 

5) The view from the top floor at work was really nice tonight. The light was amazing. Pity about the bird poo. 

6) I've got tickets to see a movie tomorrow night. 

7) I'm having a haircut tomorrow. 

8) I'm having all sorts of great ideas for the novel - and writing things down. 

9) I'm not, nor have I ever been, with Optus for a phone carrier. 

10) I have the knowledge that my tax is finally getting done tomorrow.

11) Now that I have written something, I can go to bed. 

That will do. 

Today's song is in memory of Coolio - it's the only song of his that I know. 

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