Monday, September 5, 2022

Steptember Update: Week One

 Five days into Steptember and things are not doing badly at all. 

My step totals for the first week are as follows: 

Day One: 13,578 steps

Day Two: 11,235 steps

Day Three: 14,085 steps

Day Four:  11,490 steps

Day Five: 11,111 steps

Over five days, that's over 61,000 steps. 

I'm a little proud of myself. I want to keep this going. 

So far, this has been an enjoyable challenge. Making the effort to get the steps througn the day, whether that be walking to get a coffee, then taking the long way back, or making a trip to the shopping centre, or trying to get in an extra dance class in  - it all ads up. 

It's also good to feel like your helping out in some way. Steptember is being run for the benefit of those with Cerebral Palsy - a worthy charity indeed. 

I'm still looking for people to sponsor me. I know nobody has any money to spare at the moment - the amount of a coffee... it all ads up.

My fundraising page can be found by following this link

I'm going to do this - 300,000 steps in a month.

Watch me. 

Today's song: 

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