Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Knitting Camp Prep

 I know what kid's feel like as they are about to go off to camp. 

On Friday, I'm heading off to a weekend crafting retreat - which I've nicknamed Knitting Camp. A couple of my colleagues are quite envious about this. We talk about craft quite a bit. One of the colleagues has her own crafting blog, but that's more about quilting. But they're excited for me. 

So, it's all about getting ready for Friday. I'm sneaking out from work a bit early, dropping the cat at Blarney's on the way out to the retreat which is being held near Bendigo. 

In the meantime, I've got a list of things to do - like the eight-year-on the way to camp. 

  • There's a bag to pack. 
  • I'll take my yoga mat to iron out some of the grumblies while I'm sitting on my bum all weekend. 
  • Earplugs need to be bought as I'm sharing a room with a couple of others. 
  • Brownies to make - as I said I would bring some treaties. 
  • And some gin and tonic - nobody said I couldn't bring my own gin and tonic. 
  • I have to pack my crafting bag - making sure I've got:
    • The right knitting needles
    • Extra yarn
    • Other knitting accouterments like stitch holders and markers. 
    • Scissors
    • Patterns
Oh, and travel laptop so I can go and do a bit of writing at some stage. I also want to try to make it to meditation online on Saturday morning, mainly because we're doing my path and it's a good thing to do. 

And I'll have somebody feeding me - all of the food, with the exception of the high tea, are being served in bowls so we can keep working on our projects. This is most excellent. I don't have to cook for myself. 

Mostly, I will be endeavouring to finish the jumper I'm working on. With any luck, somebody might be there to help me sink the neck in this thing, as I've never worked a raglan sleeve and I'm not sure about doing the neck. But we live and learn. 

Reading this back to myself, it appears that I am just a big, middle-aged nerd. 

Such is life. It's going to be fabulous. 

Today's song: 

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