Wednesday, October 12, 2022

The Lipstick Chat

 Sometimes, you just have to talk lipstick. 

After working at a company where 90% of the staff were men, and most of the other ten percent were women, many of whom were engineers who didn't want to talk about lipstick. It was hard to talk to the blokes about girlie things. 

Like shopping. Or handbags. 

I'd bring my lunchtime shopping to the blokes to show the guys and their eyes would glaze over. No interest. It's not like working with women where you get to coo over things like lipstick and nail polish and shopping and all things girlie.

Don't get me wrong, sometimes you find a bloke who you talk about these things, but it's rare.

Anyway, yesterday, in a slow moment, I had a search around my work bag - and to my surprise, I found SIX RED LIPSTICKS. Six!!  Most were well loved as well. 

Thankfully I was in with female colleagues who I could appreciate this.

See, for me, lipsticks have a bit of a story.

There's my absolute favourite - the Marc Jacobs Miss Scarlet (Front right). It's nearly worn down to the hilt. I bought it in Sydney years ago and it goes on creamy and stays on. And unfortunately, if I want to replace this, I'll have to go overseas to Europe or America or bribe a friend to bring me another one back - it's not stocked in Australia anymore. 

Then there's two NARS Fire Down Below - which I've been wearing for years. One's unused (Front left) and one which has been worn a bit (Back right) (there is a third one of these which is pretty much worn down to the nub floating around my bathroom). It's the perfect brown-red. Being NARS, it stays on too. 

There's the Clinique Icon Pop (Centre back) which goes on creamy and stays on well. Bought one day in Melbourne when I was going out and I found I'd left my lippy at home. 

(Is it strange that I can remember these things?)

There's a MAC stick in the colour, D is for Danger (Front centre). This was purchased once again when I was in town and heading off to a friend's book launch. This one is a bit different in that it's more plummy than my normal brown-red shade. It's also very matte - it was sold to me by a very camp, overly made-up shop assistant who said it looked good, I believed him. It's now in my work bag. It stays on well, which is always a bonus. 

And last but not least is the only cheapy lipstick - the Chi Chi Corporate Femme (Back left). It's colour is amazing - I've never found better in a supermarket lippy - and it's another firm favourite. 

It's strange, but red lippy makes me happy. 

Bugger what the blokes say. 

Today's song:

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