Thursday, October 6, 2022

Leg Day

 Today was leg day. Leg day? Leg day is the day a lot of men skip. 

The first round was set as such: 

Three rounds of:

12 x 30 kg dead lifts

15 x 80 kg leg presses (increasing by 20 kgs each round)

20 x 10 kg kettlebell front squats

20 x walking lunges

15 x 50 kg leg extensions. 

4 x 16 kg x 2 kettlebell farmers walk.

The second round was:

12 x 40 kg squats

15 x Hamstring curls on the Swiss ball for the added pain factor. 

12 x 2 x 30 kg wood chops. 

45 minutes of leg torture. 

Oh, and a rowing sprint at the end of it all. 

Needless to say, I'm buggered. 

This is also the reason my bum feels like it's made out of concrete.

I'm going to stretch now.

Today's song:

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