Friday, October 7, 2022

Massage Night

 Mostly naked, face down, head in a hole, covered by warm towels and getting pummeled. 

It's the best way to spend a Friday evening.

I've reinstated getting a massage every 4-6 weeks in my life. After training as a massage therapist in London many years ago, I know about the benefits of having a regular massage. Being a bit of an exercise junky, it's even more important. Fascial release, stretching, ironing out the sore bits. Massage is restorative. It's good for the soul. 

Strangely, I took up massage all those years ago as a possible out from my dire desk job all those years ago. I still have a desk job. I haven't given a massage in ages although my massage table is still sitting in the spare room. I've done the odd reflexology session and ear candling session on it. 

I miss it. 

And if I'm being really honest, I get a massage because it's positive touch, which is a good thing. Healthy positive touch is a great thing - which is part of what massage is about. (It's also why I now own a cat - somebody to heap love onto - even if I have always sworn I was never going to give my love to a cat - they're raging psychopaths). 

So, I'm just a big puddle at the moment. After the massage I bought myself some dinner, sat on the couch and felt lovely. 

It's a great way to end the week. 

Today's song: 

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