Monday, October 3, 2022

Meat Free Monday

 I'm giving the concept of Meat Free Monday a go. 

Meat Free Monday? It's quite simple - you just don't at meat on a Monday. 

Is it difficult?

Absolutely not. 

Red meat and I are only casual acquaintances.  I like beef and lamb, but I don't feel the compulsion to cook them very often. I'm more a fish and chicken person. 

I'm also trying to get more vegetables into my diet - never a bad thing. 

The thing is, it's an easy thing to do. As I'm having a vegetarian Monday, it's easy. Cheese and eggs are good. Staying away from fish on Mondays, though I do like fish. 

Today saw me stir frying some tofu which I'd sitting at the back of the fridge. Dredged in a bit or corn flower and shallow fried with some garlic, ginger and a spot of sesame oil, then adding Firecracker Sauce - it was yummy - though the cornflour could have been lessened so the sauce didn't thicken so much. With some rice and salad, it was great. 

Snacks are easy - Miso soup is my go-to snack. 

And an early dinner of a salad with a hard-boiled egg with more salad. 


It's not a hard thing to do. I think going vegan would be harder. 

I'll see how this goes. Try again next week. The good thing about working from home is cooking lunch is de rigeur. 

I'll be hunting out a few more veggie recipes I reckon. 

Today's song: 

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