Sunday, October 2, 2022

Sunday Stealing: Fall Meme

 Okay, this is going to be a bit fun. I live in Australia. We're going into Spring. 

We also call Fall, Autumn. Ah well. I'll just have to have a think about this. 

Thanks to Bev and Kwizgiver (who is filling in for Bev while her computer is on the fritz) at Sunday Stealing for the questions. 

1. Fave fall Holiday: 

The best this about Autumn is Easter. Four full days off. Never a bad thing. (Remember, Autumn starts around mid-March around here. 

2. Best thing about fall walks:

Kicking the fallen leaves and looking at the trees as the leaves turn. 

3. Favorite fall chore: 

There is no such thing as a favourite chore, but I do get my winter doona (duvet, quilt) out of storage. 

4. Least favorite fall chore: 

See above. 

5. Best change in the home: 

I like you don't have to use the air conditioning as much in Autumn. Love that. Cheaper to keep the house. 

6. Best tree in the fall: 

I like the ash trees. They look great. We have some lovely ash trees here in Melbourne. Needless to say, they are not indigenous. 

7. Fall ritual: 

I don't have any rituals in autumn - with climate change, it's a bit like an extension of summer anyway. 

8. Most frustrating thing about fall: 

The footy traffic. The Football starts around the first week of March. I live quite near the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) which is where all the big games are played. The traffic down Swan Street, an arterial road nearly, is normally awful. 

9. Favorite fall decorations: 

Why would you decorate your place for autumn? It doesn't make sense. 

10. Favorite clothing: 

I like autumn because I can start wearing boots again. Summer is far too hot to wear boots - and I've got a heap of boots which I love wearing. 

11. Traditional fall candy: 

Lollies are lollies throughout the year. I don't eat anything different in autumn, unless you count Easter Eggs at Easter. 

12. Favorite sound: 

I love the sound of rain - and it seems to rain a bit more in autumn. 

13. When does fall begin for you?

Autumn officially begins around the middle of March here, but I think Easter is normally when you know it's Autumn. That and the clocks go back to normal and daylight savings finally ends. Strangely, daylight savings started today here in Melbourne. 

14. What is your favorite aspect of fall? 

The cooler weather after the hot summer. I much prefer cooler weather. 

15. What is your favorite fall memories?

Strangely, it's probably going to places where the leaves change colour. Britain was great for that - and I've been to Boston in Autumn - it's stunning. 

16. What do you like to drink in the fall?  

I like that you can have more warm drinks in Autumn - but I can't name one. In Britain I'd change my beer order from lager to ale - the latter you drink around room temperature. 

17. What's your favorite fall food?  

I like that food gets a bit more substantial in autumn - less salad, more braises. 

18. What color is fall?

Russet, orange and yellow. Like the leaves. 

19. What does fall smell like? 

Falling leaves and body sweat from football crowds on the train/tram. 

20. If you could go anywhere in the fall, where would you go?

I'd love to go back to New England in October/November. I just remember how astoundingly beautiful it was. 

Today's song: 


  1. I'll never get over the fact that your seasons are all wonky (or, conversely OURS in the US are wonky). Have a great weekend!

  2. Seasonal decorations are a big thing around here. (not for me, I don't bother, but people go all out with bales of hay and corn stalks and stuff)

  3. I would also like to visit New England in the Fall. It is so very beautiful there.

  4. I don't really get into the seasonal decorating but it's a big thing in the US. We have lots of pumpkins, scarecrows, and Halloween decorations around, and then it's turkey decorations. The best I usually manage is a few pumpkins by the door. When they rot, I feed them to the squirrels.

  5. New England in autumn IS grand. Glad to have a different perspective on when autumn is!
